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- Use the structure of an expression to guide what proof step to take
- Look for subexpressions that you can replace with equivalent
- Use algebraic and logical properties of logical connectives
and quantifiers
to rewrite formulae. For example, use the One Point Rule to eliminate
the existential; use properties of implication (Section
2) to get rid of implications; use properties
about quantifiers to move them outward across connectives.
- Use lemmas and auxiliary definitions to add structure to your
- Introduce them to avoid repeating
the same subexpressions or subproofs. (Sound familiar from your
- Use them to make your proofs more readable, shorter, and more modular.
- Suppose you have an expression, e, given in terms of an operator f.
(In fact you may introduced f yourself following the hint above.)
- Expand the expression e by replacing f with its definition.
- Then use properties about operators, g, in f's definition to
manipulate and
simplify the expanded e.
- At the end, reintroduce (if convenient or necessary)
the original f using its definition (in the other direction).
Norman Papernick
Thu Mar 21 14:07:58 EST 1996