CMU MSE 15-671, Models of Software Systems, Fall 1995
Propositional & Predicate Logic
Garlan & Wing, Homework 2, Due: Sept 6, 1995
- I. Propositional Logic
- 1. Exercise 2.2
- 2. Exercise 2.3: parts 1, 5, 6
- 3. Exercise 2.4: parts 1, 5, 6
- 4. Exercise 2.7: part 2
- 5. Exercise 2.8: parts 1, 4
- II. Predicate Logic
- 6. Exercise 3.1
- 7. Exercise 3.6: parts 2, 8
- 8. Exercise 3.7: parts 1, 2
- 9. Exercise 3.8
- III. Theories
- 10. Exercise 4.1
- 11. Exercise 4.7
- 12. Exercise 4.13
Note you may wish to work more than these problems, just to get some extra practice with these basic notions of logic and proof.