CMU MSE 15-671, Models of Software Systems, Fall 1995

Propositional & Predicate Logic

Garlan & Wing, Homework 2, Due: Sept 6, 1995

I. Propositional Logic
1. Exercise 2.2
2. Exercise 2.3: parts 1, 5, 6
3. Exercise 2.4: parts 1, 5, 6
4. Exercise 2.7: part 2
5. Exercise 2.8: parts 1, 4

II. Predicate Logic
6. Exercise 3.1
7. Exercise 3.6: parts 2, 8
8. Exercise 3.7: parts 1, 2
9. Exercise 3.8

III. Theories
10. Exercise 4.1
11. Exercise 4.7
12. Exercise 4.13

Note you may wish to work more than these problems, just to get some extra practice with these basic notions of logic and proof.