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15-740 Spring '17
In-Class Discussions


Each topic has a primary paper that you should read before class. The primary papers are listed in bold with a yellow background.



Here is some advice on how to lead a discussion.

Slides from the in-class presentations:


List of Topics

Please feel free to look at recent proceedings of architecture conferences to find further readings of interest, or even entirely new topics. ISCA 2016. MICRO 2016. ASPLOS 2016. HPCA 2016.

List of papers

Accelerators/Specialization/Emerging Architectures

Support for Debugging

DRAM and other Memory Technologies

Emerging Technologies

Parallel Programming Models and Languages

Exploiting Parallelism on GPUs

Scheduling for Parallelism

Exploiting Heterogeneous Architectures

Architectural Support for Security

Finding and Fixing Software Bugs

Warehouse-Scale Computing

Optimizing Power and Energy

Adaptive Cache Replacement

Caches and Memory Hierarchies

Cache Coherence

Memory Ordering

Transactional Memory

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