The Machine-SUIF Control Flow Analysis Library

Release version

Glenn Holloway and Michael D. Smith
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University


The Machine-SUIF control flow analysis (CFA) library builds on the control flow graph (CFG) library. It currently provides dominator analysis and natural-loop analysis. The DominanceInfo class computes dominator sets, the dominator tree, and dominance frontiers in either the forward or reverse graphs. Given dominance information, the NaturalLoopInfo class finds natural loops, computes the loop depth of each CFG node, and provides predicates that identify loop boundaries.


The Machine-SUIF control flow analysis (CFA) library builds on the control flow graph (CFG) library. It currently provides dominator analysis and natural loop analysis. The DominanceInfo class, described in Section [->], computes dominator sets, the dominator tree, and dominance frontiers in either the forward or reverse graphs. Given dominance information, the NaturalLoopInfo class, described in Section [->], finds natural loops, computes the loop depth of each CFG node, and provides predicates that identify loop boundaries.

Dominator Analysis


Class DominanceInfo

Class DominanceInfo can compute and cache dominance information about a CFG. For each node n, it can produce:

It can analyze the CFG either in the forward or the reverse direction. Forward analysis views each edge as oriented ``normally'', i.e., in the direction of control flow, and it starts from the entry node. Reverse analysis views each edge as reversed, and it starts from the exit node. By using the reverse graph, methods of DominanceInfo can produce for each node n:

Because only some of the possible information is needed in a typical application, everything is computed on demand. You call a find_...method to perform each analysis, then use other methods to access the results.

<class DominanceInfo>= (U->)
class DominanceInfo {
    DominanceInfo(Cfg *graph);
    virtual ~DominanceInfo();

    Cfg *graph() const { return _graph; }

    // Perform control-flow analysis
    void find_dominators();
    void find_postdominators();
    void find_dom_frontier();
    void find_reverse_dom_frontier();

    // Access analysis results
    bool dominates(int n_dominator, int n_dominatee) const;
    bool dominates(CfgNode *dominator, CfgNode *dominatee) const;
    bool postdominates(int n_dominator, int n_dominatee) const;
    bool postdominates(CfgNode *dominator, CfgNode *dominatee) const;
    const NatSet *dominators(int n) const;
    const NatSet *dominators(CfgNode *n) const;
    const NatSet *postdominators(int n) const;
    const NatSet *postdominators(CfgNode *n) const;
    CfgNode *immed_dom(int n) const;
    CfgNode *immed_dom(CfgNode *n) const;
    CfgNode *immed_postdom(int n) const;
    CfgNode *immed_postdom(CfgNode *n) const;
    const NatSet *dom_frontier(int n) const;
    const NatSet *dom_frontier(CfgNode *n) const;
    const NatSet *reverse_dom_frontier(int n) const;
    const NatSet *reverse_dom_frontier(CfgNode *n) const;

    void print(FILE * = stdout) const;

<DominanceInfo protected parts>

When constructing a DominanceInfo object, supply a pointer to the CFG to be analyzed. To recover this underlying CFG, use method graph.

To see the state of a DominanceInfo object during debugging, use the print method. The information is indexed by the CFG node numbers. Use the print method of the CFG to learn more about the nodes.

The remaining DominanceInfo methods are for generating or accessing analysis results.

Call find_dominators to compute the dominator relation in the forward graph. Then access this information through the following methods.

immed_dom(n) Returns NULL if n is the entry node. Otherwise, returns the immediate dominator of node n, i.e., its parent in the dominator tree.
immed_dom(i) Returns immed_dom(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.
dominates(n1, n2) Returns true when node n1 dominates node n2.
dominates(i1, i2) Returns dominates(n_i1, n_i2), where n_i1 (n_i2) is the node with number i1 (i2).
dominators(n) Returns a set of node numbers representing the dominators of node n.
dominators(i) Returns dominators(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.

Call find_postdominators to compute the dominator relation in the reverse graph. The results are available through methods exactly analogous to those just described:

immed_postdom(n) Returns NULL if n is the exit node. Otherwise, returns the immediate postdominator of node n.
immed_postdom(i) Returns immed_postdom(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.
postdominates(n1, n2) Returns true when node n1 postdominates node n2.
postdominates(i1, i2) Returns postdominates(n_i1, n_i2), where n_i1 (n_i2) is the node with number i1 (i2).
postdominators(n) Returns a set of node numbers representing the postdominators of node n.
postdominators(i) Returns postdominators(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.

The find_dom_frontier and find_reverse_dom_frontier methods compute the dominance frontiers and postdominance frontiers of each node in the graph. Access the results of the former through:

dom_frontier(n) Returns a set of node numbers representing the dominance frontier of node n in the forward flow graph.
dom_frontier(i) Returns dom_frontier(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.

Access the results of calling find_reverse_dom_frontier through the methods:

reverse_dom_frontier(n) Returns a set of node numbers representing the dominance frontier of node n in the reverse flow graph.
reverse_dom_frontier(i) Returns reverse_dom_frontier(n_i), where n_i is the node with number i.


For finding dominator sets, we use an iterative algorithm similar to Algorithm 10.16 in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman [cite bibdragon]. In a future release, we expect to switch to the algorithm of Lengauer and Tarjan [cite biblengauer], which should be more efficient on most flow graphs.

The immediate dominator of a node n is obtained by choosing the strict dominator of n whose dominator set differs from that of n only by removal of n.

We compute dominance frontiers using the algorithm of Cytron et al [cite bibcytron].

The privy parts of class DominanceInfo include methods that produce: dominator sets for each node, immediate dominators for each node, and the dominance-frontier set for each node. These methods each take a flag indicating whether to operate on the forward or the reverse graph (true means forward).

An instance of the class holds a pointer to the underlying CFG, as well as pointers that are either NULL (before the corresponding analysis has been performed) or point to an array of analysis results, with one entry per CFG node, in order of the node number.

<DominanceInfo protected parts>= (<-U)
    NatSetDense *do_dominators(bool forward) const;
    CfgNode **do_immed_dominators(bool forward) const;
    void do_dom_frontiers(CfgNode *, bool forward);

    Cfg *_graph;

    NatSetDense *_doms;         // bit vector per node
    NatSetDense *_pdoms;        // bit vector per node
    CfgNode **_idom;            // node per node
    CfgNode **_ipdom;           // node per node
    NatSetDense *_df;           // bit vector per node
    NatSetDense *_rdf;          // bit vector per node

Header file for module dom.h

The DominanceInfo class is defined in module dom, which has the following header file.

/* file "cfa/dom.h" -- Dominance Analysis */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef CFA_DOM_H
#define CFA_DOM_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "cfa/dom.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>
#include <cfg/cfg.h>

<class DominanceInfo>

#endif /* CFA_DOM_H */

Natural loop analysis


Class NaturalLoopInfo

Class NaturalLoopInfo computes and caches information about the natural loops in a CFG.

<class NaturalLoopInfo>= (U->)
class NaturalLoopInfo {
    NaturalLoopInfo(DominanceInfo *dom_info)
        : _dom_info(dom_info), _depth(NULL), _loop(NULL) { }
    virtual ~NaturalLoopInfo() { delete [] _depth; }

    DominanceInfo *dom_info() const { return _dom_info; }

    void find_natural_loops();

    const NatSet* loop_at(int n) const;
    const NatSet* loop_at(CfgNode *n) const;
    int loop_depth(int n) const;
    int loop_depth(CfgNode *n) const;
    void set_loop_depth(CfgNode *n, int d);
    void set_loop_depth(int n, int d);

    bool is_loop_begin(int n) const;    // true if block is loop entry
    bool is_loop_begin(CfgNode *cn) const;
    bool is_loop_end(int n) const;      // true if block jumps to loop entry
    bool is_loop_end(CfgNode *cn) const;
    bool is_loop_exit(int n) const;     // true if block is a loop exit
    bool is_loop_exit(CfgNode *cn) const;

    void print(FILE* = stdout) const;

<NaturalLoopInfo protected parts>

An instance of NaturalLoopInfo is constructed from a pointer to DominanceInfo because dominators are used for the loop analysis. You can recover the DominanceInfo object by using the dom_info method.

Like dominance analysis, natural loops are computed only on demand. Call find_natural_loops to run (or rerun) the analysis. Before doing so, you must have called find_dominators on the underlying DominanceInfo structure.

The loop_at() method takes a node n (or its node number) and returns the set of node numbers comprising the natural loop with header n. (If n is not a loop header, the result set is empty.)

The loop_depth() method returns the number of natural loops that contain a node. This can be set using the set_loop_depth() methods, in case you need to override the results of find_natural_loops().

The is_loop_begin() method returns true if the specified node dominates any of its predecessors. The is_loop_end() method returns true if the specified node is dominated by any of its successors. And the is_loop_exit() method returns true if the specified node has any successor with a different loop depth. Note that this may not be the right loop exit criterion to use in all cases.


For finding natural loops, we use a method based on Algorithm 10.1 in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman [cite bibdragon].

An instance of NaturalLoopInfo stores the dominance information provided at its construction in its _dom_info field. When a method needs the CFG, it goes though _dom_info to reach it. An instance of NaturalLoopInfo also contains a pointer _depth that is NULL until find_natural_loops is called and thereafter points to an array of loop depths, one for each node in the CFG.

<NaturalLoopInfo protected parts>= (<-U)
    DominanceInfo *_dom_info;
    int *_depth;                        // int per node
    NatSetDense *_loop;                 // bit vector per node

Header file for module loop.h

The NaturalLoopInfo class is defined in module loop, which has the following header file.

/* file "cfa/loop.h" -- Natural Loop Analysis */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef CFA_LOOP_H
#define CFA_LOOP_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "cfa/loop.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>
#include <cfg/cfg.h>
#include <cfa/dom.h>

<class NaturalLoopInfo>

#endif /* CFA_LOOP_H */

Library Boilerplate

Initialization and finalization

Every SUIF library has a pair of routines for initialization and finalization. For the CFA library, these are declared in the cfa module.

<cfa library initialization>= (U->)
extern "C" void init_cfa(SuifEnv* suif_env);

Header file for the CFA library

The following is the header file is for use by other libraries and passes that depend upon the CFA library. It is never included in any implementation file within the machsuif/cfa directory. We use comments to indicate dependences among the header files.

/* file "cfa/cfa.h" */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef CFA_CFA_H
#define CFA_CFA_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#include <cfa/dom.h>
#include <cfa/loop.h>

<cfa library initialization>

#endif /* CFA_CFA_H */


All of the code is protected by the following copyright notice.

<Machine-SUIF copyright>= (<-U <-U <-U)
    Copyright (c) 2000 The President and Fellows of Harvard College

    All rights reserved.

    This software is provided under the terms described in
    the "machine/copyright.h" include file.



The CFA library was originally part of the Machine-SUIF CFG library, which supports not only analysis of programs, but also CFG-level transformations, code layout, and fine-grained code motion. At Harvard, the analysis facilities described in this document have been useful in transformation to SSA form, in dead code elimination, and in register allocation. For Machine SUIF version 2, we segregated these analysis functions to make the basic CFG library simpler.


This document is heavily based on the CFG library in Machine SUIF version 1.1.2 that was done by Cliff Young. Cliff traced the roots of this library all the way back to a CFG library that was written by Mike Smith (one of the co-authors of the current document). A version of this original library was modified by Bob Wilson at Stanford. Tony DeWitt brought the library to Harvard and helped Cliff to adapt the data structure constructors to the Machine-SUIF version 1.1.2 library. Gang Chen wrote the loop analysis code, and Mike built the unified data-flow analysis routines. Other members of the HUBE research group at Harvard contributed useful suggestions to the design. Tim Callahan of Synopsis, Inc. and Berkeley helped to uncover and fix several bugs.

This work is supported in part by an DARPA/NSF infrastructure grant (NDA904-97-C-0225), a NSF Young Investigator award (CCR-9457779), and a NSF Research Infrastructure award (CDA-9401024). We also gratefully acknowledge the generous support of this research by Advanced Micro Devices, Compaq, Digital Equipment, Hewlett-Packard, International Business Machines, Intel, and Microsoft.


[1] A. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley, 1986.

[2] R. Cytron, J. Ferrante, B. Rosen, M. Wegman, and F. Zadeck. Efficiently computing static single assignment form and the control dependence graph. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 451-490, October 1991.

[3] Glenn Holloway and Michael D. Smith. The Machine-SUIF Control Flow Graph Library. The Machine-SUIF compiler documentation set, Harvard University, 1998.

[4] T. Lengauer and R. E. Tarjan. A fast algorithm for finding dominators in a flowgraph. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 121-141, July 1979.