CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
GENEsYs: Experimental GA based on GENESIS
This directory contains GENEsYs, a genetic algorithms implementation
based on Grefenstette's GENESIS. It includes extensions and new
features for experimental purposes, such as different selection
mechanisms (linear ranking, Boltzmann selection, mu-selection,
lambda-selection), general extinctive selection variants, and extended
recombination operators (m-point, uniform, discrete and intermediate
recombination). Self-adaptation of mutation rates is also possible.
A set of objective functions is provided, including De Jong's functions,
complicated continuous functions, a TSP-problem, binary functions, and a
fractal function. There are also additional data-monitoring facilities
such as recording average, variance and skew of object variables and
mutation rates, or creating bitmap-dumps of the population.
Origin: []
as the file GENEsYs-1.0.tar.Z
Version: 1.0 (3-JUL-92)
Requires: C
Copying: Copyright (c) 1992 by Thomas Baeck
Use, copying, and distribution permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Thomas Baeck
Computer Science Department, LS XI
University of Dortmund
D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
Tel: +49-231-755-2569
Fax: +49-231-755-2450
Authors!Baeck, GENESIS, GENEsYs, Genetic Algorithms
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:22:56 1995