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PARAGENESIS: Parallel version of Grefenstette's GENESIS program

Paragenesis is a parallel version of Grefenstette's GENESIS program. It is intend to improve performance without changing the behavior of the genetic algorithm. Unlike the punctuated equilibria and local selection models PARAGENESIS doesn't modify the genetic algorithm to be more parallelizable as these modifications can drastically alter the behavior of the algorithm. Instead each member is placed on a separate processor allowing initialization, evaluation and mutation to be completely parallel. The costs of global control and communication in selection and crossover are present but minimized as much as possible. In general PARAGENESIS on an 8k CM-200 seems to run 10-100 times faster than GENESIS on a Sparc 2 and finds equivalent solutions. The solutions are not identical only because the parallel random number generator gives a different stream of numbers. PARAGENESIS includes all the features of serial GENESIS plus some additions. The additions include the ability to collect timing statistics, probabilistic selection(as opposed to Baker's stochastic universal sampling), uniform crossover and local or neighborhood selection. Anyone familiar with the serial implementation of GENESIS and C* should have little problem using PARAGENESIS.
Origin:  []
   as the file paragenesis.tar.Z

Version: 8-DEC-92 Requires: C* Ports: This version runs on the CM-200 (Connection Machine). CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): Michael van Lent Computer Science Dept. University of Tennessee Knoxville TN 37996-1301, USA Keywords: Authors!van Lent, C*!Code, GENESIS!Parallel, Genetic Algorithms!Parallel, PARAGENESIS References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:23:11 1995