CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Simderella: Robot Simulator
Simderella is a robot simulator consisting of three programs: CONNEL
(the controller), SIMMEL (the robot simulator), and BEMMEL (the
X-windows oriented graphics back-end). SIMMEL performs a few matrix
multiplications, based on the Denavit Hartenberg method, calculates
velocities with the Newton-Euler scheme, and communicates with the
other two programs. BEMMEL only displays the robot. It is a fast
general-purpose display method which places separate objects in space
depending on the homogeneous matrices it receives from SIMMEL. CONNEL
is the controller, which must be designed by the user. In the
distributed version, CONNEL is a simple inverse kinematics routine.
No neural networks are included. The programs use Unix sockets for
communication, so you must have sockets, but you can run the programs
on different machines. Since data communication is high-level (all
data is encoded before transmission), cross architecture portability
is high. In fact, CONNEL can simultaneously control a real robot and
the simulated one. When nothing is happening, Simderella will sleep
and not use any processor time.
Origin: []
as the file simderella.2.0.tar.gz
Version: 2.0.1 (17-MAR-94)
Requires: C
Ports: The software has been compiled using gcc on SunOS
running under X11R4/5 on Sun3, Sun4, Sun Sparc 1, 2, and
10, DEC Alpha, HP700, 386/486 (Linux), and Silicon
Graphics architectures.
Copying: Copyright (c) 1992 by the University of Amsterdam,
Department of Computer Systems
Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted
for noncommercial purposes. For commercial purposes,
contact the authors.
See the file doc/COPYRIGHT for details.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Patrick van der Smagt
Department of Computer Systems
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ
Tel: +31 20 525-7524
Fax: +31 20 525-7490
F.J. Jungen
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence Group
Vrije University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 5484486
Fax: +31 20 6427705
Agent Architectures, Authors!Jungen, Authors!Smagt, BEMMEL,
CONNEL, Inverse Kinematics, Micro-Worlds, Planning, Robotics,
SIMMEL, Simderella, Simulators, Sockets, Testbeds
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:28:43 1995