Amulet Papers

Table of Contents:

The main reference for Amulet:

We would like anyone referencing Amulet in a paper or report to use the following reference, which is the "canonical" reference for Amulet:
Brad A. Myers, Richard G. McDaniel, Robert C. Miller, Alan S. Ferrency, Andrew Faulring, Bruce D. Kyle, Andrew Mickish, Alex Klimovitski and Patrick Doane. "The Amulet Environment: New Models for Effective User Interface Software Development," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 23, no. 6. June, 1997. pp. 347-365.

Documentation for Amulet:

Overviews of all of Amulet:

Network Support in Amulet

Animation in Amulet

Command objects in Amulet

Debugging in Amulet

Sound in Amulet

Gilt Interface Builder For Amulet

Objects and Constraints in Amulet

Silk, interactive sketching tool

PhD Thesis of
James Landay

Gamut, interactive tool to create programs by demonstration

PhD Thesis of Rich McDaniel

Articles about Human-Computer Interaction in General

Papers by others describing systems built using Amulet

Back to the Amulet Home Page.

Maintained by:

Brad Myers