ngram - apply N-gram language models
ngram [ -help ] option ...
performs various operations with N-gram-based and related language models,
including sentence scoring, perplexity computation, sentences generation,
and various types of model interpolation.
The N-gram language models are read from files in ARPA
various extended language model formats are described with the options
Each filename argument can be an ASCII file, or a
compressed file (name ending in .Z or .gz), or ``-'' to indicate
- -help
Print option summary.
- -version
Print version information.
- -order n
Set the maximal N-gram order to be used, by default 3.
NOTE: The order of the model is not set automatically when a model
file is read, so the same file can be used at various orders.
To use models of order higher than 3 it is always necessary to specify this
- -debug level
Set the debugging output level (0 means no debugging output).
Debugging messages are sent to stderr, with the exception of
output as explained below.
- -memuse
Print memory usage statistics for the LM.
The following options determine the type of LM to be used.
- -null
Use a `null' LM as the main model (one that gives probability 1 to all words).
This is useful in combination with mixture creation or for debugging.
- -use-server S
Use a network LM server (typically implemented by
with the
option) as the main model.
The server specification
can be an unsigned integer port number (referring to a server port running on
the local host),
a hostname (referring to default port 2525 on the named host),
or a string of the form
is a portnumber and
is either a hostname ("")
or IP number in dotted-quad format ("").
For server-based LMs, the
option limits the context length of N-grams queried by the client
(with 0 denoting unlimited length).
Hence, the effective LM order is the mimimum of the client-specified value
and any limit implemented in the server.
is specified, the arguments to the options
etc. are also interpreted as network LM server specifications provided
they contain a '@' character and do not contain a '/' character.
This allows the creation of mixtures of several file- and/or
network-based LMs.
- -cache-served-ngrams
Enables client-side caching of N-gram probabilities to eliminated duplicate
network queries, in conjunction with
This results in a substantial speedup for typical tasks (especially N-best
rescoring) but requires memory in the client that may grow linearly with the
amount of data processed.
- -lm file
Read the (main) N-gram model from
This option is always required, unless
was chosen.
- -tagged
Interpret the LM as containing word/tag N-grams.
- -skip
Interpret the LM as a ``skip'' N-gram model.
- -hidden-vocab file
Interpret the LM as an N-gram model containing hidden events between words.
The list of hidden event tags is read from
Hidden event definitions may also follow the N-gram definitions in
the LM file (the argument to
The format for such definitions is
event [-delete D] [-repeat R] [-insert w] [-observed] [-omit]
The optional flags after the event name modify the default behavior of
hidden events in the model.
By default events are unobserved pseudo-words of which at most one can occur
between regular words, and which are added to the context to predict
following words and events.
(A typical use would be to model hidden sentence boundaries.)
indicates that upon encountering the event,
words are deleted from the next word's context.
indicates that after the event the next
words from the context are to be repeated.
specifies that an (unobserved) word
is to be inserted into the history.
specifies the event tag is not hidden, but observed in the word stream.
indicates that the event tag itself is not to be added to the history for
predicting the following words.
The hidden event mechanism represents a generalization of the disfluency
LM enabled by
- -hidden-not
Modifies processing of hidden event N-grams for the case that
the event tags are embedded in the word stream, as opposed to inferred
through dynamic programming.
- -df
Interpret the LM as containing disfluency events.
This enables an older form of hidden-event LM used in
Stolcke & Shriberg (1996).
It is roughly equivalent to a hidden-event LM with
UH -observed -omit (filled pause)
UM -observed -omit (filled pause)
@SDEL -insert <s> (sentence restart)
@DEL1 -delete 1 -omit (1-word deletion)
@DEL2 -delete 2 -omit (2-word deletion)
@REP1 -repeat 1 -omit (1-word repetition)
@REP2 -repeat 2 -omit (2-word repetition)
- -classes file
Interpret the LM as an N-gram over word classes.
The expansions of the classes are given in
Tokens in the LM that are not defined as classes in
are assumed to be plain words, so that the LM can contain mixed N-grams over
both words and word classes.
Class definitions may also follow the N-gram definitions in the
LM file (the argument to
In that case
-classes /dev/null
should be specified to trigger interpretation of the LM as a class-based model.
Otherwise, class definitions specified with this option override any
definitions found in the LM file itself.
- -simple-classes
Assume a "simple" class model: each word is member of at most one word class,
and class expansions are exactly one word long.
- -expand-classes k
Replace the read class-N-gram model with an (approximately) equivalent
word-based N-gram.
The argument
limits the length of the N-grams included in the new model
allows N-grams of arbitrary length).
- -expand-exact k
Use a more exact (but also more expensive) algorithm to compute the
conditional probabilities of N-grams expanded from classes, for
N-grams of length
or longer
is a special case and the default, it disables the exact algorithm for all
The exact algorithm is recommended for class-N-gram models that contain
multi-word class expansions, for N-gram lengths exceeding the order of
the underlying class N-grams.
- -decipher
Use the N-gram model exactly as the Decipher(TM) recognizer would,
i.e., choosing the backoff path if it has a higher probability than
the bigram transition, and rounding log probabilities to bytelog
- -factored
Use a factored N-gram model, i.e., a model that represents words as
vectors of feature-value pairs and models sequences of words by a set of
conditional dependency relations between factors.
Individual dependencies are modeled by standard N-gram LMs, allowing
however for a generalized backoff mechanism to combine multiple backoff
paths (Bilmes and Kirchhoff 2003).
etc. options name FLM specification files in the format described in
Kirchhoff et al. (2002).
- -hmm
Use an HMM of N-grams language model.
option specifies a file that describes a probabilistic graph, with each
line corresponding to a node or state.
A line has the format:
statename ngram-file s1 p1 s2 p2 ...
is a string identifying the state,
names a file containing a backoff N-gram model,
... are names of follow-states, and
... are the associated transition probabilities.
A filename of ``-'' can be used to indicate the N-gram model data
is included in the HMM file, after the current line.
(Further HMM states may be specified after the N-gram data.)
The names
denote the start and end states, respectively, and have no associated
N-gram model ( ngram-file
must be specified as ``.'' for these).
option specifies the maximal N-gram length in the component models.
The semantics of an HMM of N-grams is as follows: as each state is visited,
words are emitted from the associated N-gram model.
The first state (corresponding to the start-of-sentence) is
A state is left with the probability of the end-of-sentence token
in the respective model, and the next state is chosen according to
the state transition probabilities.
Each state has to emit at least one word.
The actual end-of-sentence is emitted if and only if the
state is reached.
Each word probability is conditioned on all preceding words, regardless
of whether they were emitted in the same or a previous state.
- -count-lm
Use a count-based interpolated LM.
option specifies a file that describes a set of N-gram counts along with
interpolation weights, based on which Jelinek-Mercer smoothing in the
formulation of Chen and Goodman (1998) is performed.
The file format is
order N
vocabsize V
totalcount C
mixweights M
w01 w02 ... w0N
w11 w12 ... w1N
wM1 wM2 ... wMN
countmodulus m
google-counts dir
counts file
is the model order (maximal N-gram length), although as with backoff models,
the actual value used is overridden by the
command line when the model is read in.
gives the vocabulary size and
the sum of all unigram counts.
specifies the number of mixture weight bins (minus 1).
is the width of a mixture weight bin.
is the mixture weight used to interpolate an
order maximum-likelihood estimate with lower-order estimates given that
the (j-1)-gram context has been seen with a frequency
(For contexts with frequency greater than
weights are used.)
The N-gram counts themselves are given in an
indexed directory structure rooted at
in an external
or, if
is the string
starting on the line following the
- -vocab file
Initialize the vocabulary for the LM from
This is especially useful if the LM itself does not specify a complete
vocabulary, e.g., as with
- -vocab-aliases file
Reads vocabulary alias definitions from
consisting of lines of the form
alias word
This causes all tokens
to be mapped to
- -nonevents file
Read a list of words from
that are to be considered non-events, i.e., that
should only occur in LM contexts, but not as predictions.
Such words are excluded from sentence generation
probability summation
(-ppl -debug 3).
- -limit-vocab
Discard LM parameters on reading that do not pertain to the words
specified in the vocabulary.
The default is that words used in the LM are automatically added to the
This option can be used to reduce the memory requirements for large LMs
that are going to be evaluated only on a small vocabulary subset.
- -unk
Indicates that the LM contains the unknown word, i.e., is an open-class LM.
- -map-unk word
Map out-of-vocabulary words to
rather than the default
- -tolower
Map all vocabulary to lowercase.
Useful if case conventions for text/counts and language model differ.
- -multiwords
Split input words consisting of multiwords joined by underscores
into their components, before evaluating LM probabilities.
- -multi-char C
Character used to delimit component words in multiwords
(an underscore character by default).
- -mix-lm file
Read a second N-gram model for interpolation purposes.
The second and any additional interpolated models can also be class N-grams
(using the same
definitions), but are otherwise constrained to be standard N-grams, i.e.,
the options
do not apply to them.
(see below) is specified,
triggers a static interpolation of the models in memory.
In most cases a more efficient, dynamic interpolation is sufficient, requested
-bayes 0.
Also, mixing models of different type (e.g., word-based and class-based)
work correctly with dynamic interpolation.
- -lambda weight
Set the weight of the main model when interpolating with
Default value is 0.5.
- -mix-lm2 file
- -mix-lm3 file
- -mix-lm4 file
- -mix-lm5 file
- -mix-lm6 file
- -mix-lm7 file
- -mix-lm8 file
- -mix-lm9 file
Up to 9 more N-gram models can be specified for interpolation.
- -mix-lambda2 weight
- -mix-lambda3 weight
- -mix-lambda4 weight
- -mix-lambda5 weight
- -mix-lambda6 weight
- -mix-lambda7 weight
- -mix-lambda8 weight
- -mix-lambda9 weight
These are the weights for the additional mixture components, corresponding
The weight for the
model is 1 minus the sum of
- -loglinear-mix
Implement a log-linear (rather than linear) mixture LM, using the
parameters above.
- -bayes length
Interpolate the second and the main model using posterior probabilities
for local N-gram-contexts of length
value is used as a prior mixture weight in this case.
- -bayes-scale scale
Set the exponential scale factor on the context likelihood in conjunction
with the
Default value is 1.0.
- -cache length
Interpolate the main LM (or the one resulting from operations above) with
a unigram cache language model based on a history of
- -cache-lambda weight
Set interpolation weight for the cache LM.
Default value is 0.05.
- -dynamic
Interpolate the main LM (or the one resulting from operations above) with
a dynamically changing LM.
LM changes are indicated by the tag ``<LMstate>'' starting a line in the
input to
followed by a filename containing the new LM.
- -dynamic-lambda weight
Set interpolation weight for the dynamic LM.
Default value is 0.05.
- -adapt-marginals LM
Use an LM obtained by adapting the unigram marginals to the values specified
in the
using the method described in Kneser et al. (1997).
The LM to be adapted is that constructed according to the other options.
- -base-marginals LM
Specify the baseline unigram marginals in a separate file
which must be in
as well.
If not specified, the baseline marginals are taken from the model to be
adapted, but this might not be desirable, e.g., when Kneser-Ney smoothing
was used.
- -adapt-marginals-beta B
The exponential weight given to the ratio between adapted and baseline
The default is 0.5.
- -adapt-marginals-ratios
Compute and output only the log ratio between the adapted and the baseline
LM probabilities.
These can be useful as a separate knowledge source in N-best rescoring.
The following options specify the operations performed on/with the LM
constructed as per the options above.
- -renorm
Renormalize the main model by recomputing backoff weights for the given
- -prune threshold
Prune N-gram probabilities if their removal causes (training set)
perplexity of the model to increase by less than
- -prune-lowprobs
Prune N-gram probabilities that are lower than the corresponding
backed-off estimates.
This generates N-gram models that can be correctly
converted into probabilistic finite-state networks.
- -minprune n
Only prune N-grams of length at least
The default (and minimum allowed value) is 2, i.e., only unigrams are excluded
from pruning.
This option applies to both
- -rescore-ngram file
Read an N-gram LM from
and recompute its N-gram probabilities using the LM specified by the
other options; then renormalize and evaluate the resulting new N-gram LM.
- -write-lm file
Write a model back to
The output will be in the same format as read by
except if operations such as
were applied, in which case the output will contain the generated
single N-gram backoff model in ARPA
- -write-bin-lm file
Write a model to
using a binary data format.
This is only supported by certain model types, specifically,
those based on N-gram backoff models and N-gram counts.
Binary model files are recognized automatically by the
If an LM class does not provide a binary format the default (text) format
will be output instead.
- -write-vocab file
Write the LM's vocabulary to
- -gen number
random sentences from the LM.
- -gen-prefixes file
Read a list of sentence prefixes from
and generate random word strings conditioned on them, one per line.
(Note: The start-of-sentence tag
is not automatically added to these prefixes.)
- -seed value
Initialize the random number generator used for sentence generation
using seed
The default is to use a seed that should be close to unique for each
invocation of the program.
- -ppl textfile
Compute sentence scores (log probabilities) and perplexities from
the sentences in
which should contain one sentence per line.
option controls the level of detail printed, even though output is
to stdout (not stderr).
- -debug 0
Only summary statistics for the entire corpus are printed,
as well a partial statistics for each input portion delimited by
escaped lines (see
These statistics include the number of sentences, words, out-of-vocabulary
words and zero-probability tokens in the input,
as well as its total log probability and perplexity.
Perplexity is given with two different normalizations: counting all
input tokens (``ppl'') and excluding end-of-sentence tags (``ppl1'').
- -debug 1
Statistics for individual sentences are printed.
- -debug 2
Probabilities for each word, plus LM-dependent details about backoff
used etc., are printed.
- -debug 3
Probabilities for all words are summed in each context, and
the sum is printed.
If this differs significantly from 1, a warning message
to stderr will be issued.
- -nbest file
Read an N-best list in
and rerank the hypotheses using the specified LM.
The reordered N-best list is written to stdout.
If the N-best list is given in
``NBestList1.0'' format and contains
composite acoustic/language model scores, then
and the recognizer language model and word transition weights (see below)
need to be specified so the original acoustic scores can be recovered.
- -nbest-files filelist
Process multiple N-best lists whose filenames are listed in
- -write-nbest-dir dir
Deposit rescored N-best lists into directory
using filenames derived from the input ones.
- -decipher-nbest
Output rescored N-best lists in Decipher 1.0 format, rather than
SRILM format.
- -no-reorder
Output rescored N-best lists without sorting the hypotheses by their
new combined scores.
- -split-multiwords
Split multiwords into their components when reading N-best lists;
the rescored N-best lists thus no longer contain multiwords.
(Note this is different from the
option, which leaves the input word stream unchanged and splits
multiwords only for the purpose of LM probability computation.)
- -max-nbest n
Limits the number of hypotheses read from an N-best list.
Only the first
hypotheses are processed.
- -rescore file
Similar to
but the input is processed as a stream of N-best hypotheses (without header).
The output consists of the rescored hypotheses in
SRILM format (the third of the formats described in
- -decipher-lm model-file
Designates the N-gram backoff model (typically a bigram) that was used by the
Decipher(TM) recognizer in computing composite scores for the hypotheses fed to
Used to compute acoustic scores from the composite scores.
- -decipher-order N
Specifies the order of the Decipher N-gram model used (default is 2).
- -decipher-nobackoff
Indicates that the Decipher N-gram model does not contain backoff nodes,
i.e., all recognizer LM scores are correct up to rounding.
- -decipher-lmw weight
Specifies the language model weight used by the recognizer.
Used to compute acoustic scores from the composite scores.
- -decipher-wtw weight
Specifies the word transition weight used by the recognizer.
Used to compute acoustic scores from the composite scores.
- -escape string
Set an ``escape string'' for the
Input lines starting with
are not processed as sentences and passed unchanged to stdout instead.
This allows associated information to be passed to scoring scripts etc.
- -counts countsfile
Perform a computation similar to
but based only on the N-gram counts found in
Probabilities are computed for the last word of each N-gram, using the
other words as contexts, and scaling by the associated N-gram count.
Summary statistics are output at the end, as well as before each
escaped input line.
- -count-order n
Use only counts up to order
in the
The default value is the order of the LM (the value specified by
- -float-counts
Allow processing of fractional counts with
- -counts-entropy
Weight the log probabilities for
processing by the join probabilities of the N-grams.
This effectively computes the sum over p(w,h) log p(w|h),
i.e., the entropy of the model.
In debugging mode, both the conditional log probabilities and the
corresponding joint probabilities are output.
- -server-port P
Start a network server that listens on port
and returns N-gram probabilities.
The server will write a one-line "ready" message and then read N-grams,
one per line.
For each N-gram, a conditional log probability is computed as specified by
other options, and written back to the client (in text format).
The server will continue accepting connections until killed by an external
- -server-maxclients M
Limits the number of simultaneous connections accepted by the network LM
server to
Once the limit is reached, additional connection requests
(e.g., via
will hang until another client terminates its connection.
- -skipoovs
Instruct the LM to skip over contexts that contain out-of-vocabulary
words, instead of using a backoff strategy in these cases.
- -noise noise-tag
as a vocabulary item that is to be ignored by the LM.
(This is typically used to identify a noise marker.)
Note that the LM specified by
does NOT ignore this
since the DECIPHER recognizer treats noise as a regular word.
- -noise-vocab file
Read several noise tags from
instead of, or in addition to, the single noise tag specified by
- -reverse
Reverse the words in a sentence for LM scoring purposes.
(This assumes the LM used is a ``right-to-left'' model.)
Note that the LM specified by
is always applied to the original, left-to-right word sequence.
- -no-sos
Disable the automatic insertion of start-of-sentence tokens for
sentence probability computation.
The probability of the initial word is thus computed with an empty context.
- -no-eos
Disable the automatic insertion of end-of-sentence tokens for
sentence probability computation.
End-of-sentence is thus excluded from the total probability.
ngram-count(1), ngram-class(1), lm-scripts(1), ppl-scripts(1),
pfsg-scripts(1), nbest-scripts(1),
ngram-format(5), nbest-format(5), classes-format(5).
J. A. Bilmes and K. Kirchhoff, ``Factored Language Models and Generalized
Parallel Backoff,'' Proc. HLT-NAACL, pp. 4-6, Edmonton, Alberta, 2003.
S. F. Chen and J. Goodman, ``An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for
Language Modeling,'' TR-10-98, Computer Science Group, Harvard Univ., 1998.
K. Kirchhoff et al., ``Novel Speech Recognition Models for Arabic,''
Johns Hopkins University Summer Research Workshop 2002, Final Report.
R. Kneser, J. Peters and D. Klakow,
``Language Model Adaptation Using Dynamic Marginals'',
Proc. Eurospeech, pp. 1971-1974, Rhodes, 1997.
A. Stolcke and E. Shriberg, ``Statistical language modeling for speech
disfluencies,'' Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp. 405-409, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
A. Stolcke,`` Entropy-based Pruning of Backoff Language Models,''
Proc. DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop,
pp. 270-274, Lansdowne, VA, 1998.
A. Stolcke et al., ``Automatic Detection of Sentence Boundaries and
Disfluencies based on Recognized Words,'' Proc. ICSLP, pp. 2247-2250,
Sydney, 1998.
M. Weintraub et al., ``Fast Training and Portability,''
in Research Note No. 1, Center for Language and Speech Processing,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Feb. 1996.
Some LM types (such as Bayes-interpolated and factored LMs) currently do
not support the
For the
option to work correctly with hidden event and class N-gram LMs, the
event/class vocabularies have to be specified by options ( -hidden-vocab
Embedding event/class definitions in the LM file only will not work correctly.
Sentence generation is slow and takes time proportional to the vocabulary
The file given by
is read multiple times if
is in effect or if a mixture of LMs is specified.
This will lead to incorrect behavior if the argument of
is stdin (``-'').
will not work correctly with LM operations that require the entire
vocabulary to be enumerated, such as
or perplexity computation with
-debug 3.
option implicitly adds all word strings to the vocabulary.
Therefore, no OOVs are reported, only zero probability words.
Operations that require enumeration of the entire LM vocabulary will
not currently work with
since the client side only has knowledge of words it has already processed.
This affects the
options, as well as
-debug 3.
A workaround is to specify the complete vocabulary with
on the client side.
Andreas Stolcke <>
Jing Zheng <>
Copyright 1995-2009 SRI International