Researchers in Programming Languages and Compilers
Below are links to home pages of researchers working on programming
language theory, design, implementation, and related areas.
Disclaimer: this list is not exhaustive! Please let me
know if you would like to be added
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- Martín Abadi - DEC SRC
- Security in distributed systems, specification and verification
methods, principles of programming languages.
- Samson Abramsky - University of Edinburgh
- Semantics of programming languages, concurrency, game semantics, program
- Gul Agha - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Logic, object-oriented programming, formal semantics, actors.
Alex Aiken - Berkeley
- Program analysis, type theory, optimization, constraint theories,
functional programming, instruction scheduling.
Hassan Aït-Kaci - Simon Fraser University
- Constraint-based programming, object-orientation, logical and
functional programming, and the design of compilation techniques.
- Maria Alpuente - Technical University of Valencia (Spain)
- Logic Programming: semantics, extensions and applications
integration of functional and logic programming languages abstract
interpretation, program manipulation.
Thorsten Altenkirch - Chalmers
- Type theory, categorical logic and program verification.
Saman Amarasinghe - Stanford
- Compilers for parallel machines,
Jennifer Anderson - Stanford
- Compilers for scalable parallel machines,
Peter Holst Andersen - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Partial evaluation, C-Mix.
Andrew Appel - Princeton
- Standard ML of New Jersey. Compilation, optimization, and garbage
collection of mostly functional programming languages.
- Zena Matilde Ariola -
University of Oregon
- Principles of programming languages, formal
- Arvind - MIT
- All aspects of parallel computing and declarative programming
languages. Dynamic dataflow architectures, the implicitly parallel
programming language Id, and the compilation of languages such as Id
on parallel machines.
- Mike Ashley - University of Kansas
- Program analysis, program transformations, language design and implementation.
- Mikhail Auguston - New Mexico State University
- Programming languages design and implementation, the design of
the compiler writing language
software engineering, testing and debugging automation, assertion
Lennart Augustsson - Chalmers
- Functional programming and implementation.
- Henry Baker - Independent researcher/consultant
- Garbage collection, GC, storage management, programming
languages, Lisp, Ada, APL, ML, functional programming, compilers,
linear types, reversible computation, parallel languages, quantum
- Thomas Ball -
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
- Dynamic analysis of programs, domain-specific languages, software
visualization, software tools
- Carlos Baquero -
Minho University
- Concurrent object oriented programming, inheritance of concurrency
control code, C++ extensions, transactions on distributed and mobile computing.
Gerald Baumgartner - Purdue
Functional and object-oriented languages, type systems, object types, modules.
Françoise Bellegarde - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Program transformation by rewriting, functional programming,
automatic demonstration, and the use of formal methods for software
Edoardo Biagioni - Carnegie Mellon
- Functional languages, parallel computing and architectures,
compilers, networking, operating systems, and I/O.
Lars Birkedal - Carnegie Mellon
- Type theory, modules, Standard ML, compilation of ML, the ML Kit, partial
evaluation, SML-Mix.
- Sandip K. Biswas - University of Pennsylvania
- Compilers, type theory, module systems, separate compilation,
configuration management, program slicing.
Michael R. Blair - MIT
- Dynamically adaptive profile-guided specialization,
partial evaluation, program analyisi, compilation, type theory, subtyping.
- Guy Blelloch -
Carnegie Mellon
- Parallel languages and compilers. NESL.
- Matthias Blume -
- Implementation of mostly functional languages, in particular SML
and Scheme; efficient data representation, separate compilation,
compilation management, cross-module optimizations; language design
- Alan Borning
- University of Washington
Constraint-based languages and systems.
Lee Braine - University College London
- Functional programming, object-oriented programming, visual
programming, and language implementations.
- Franck van Breugel -
University of Pisa
- Operational and denotational semantics of concurrent
programming and specification languages, metric spaces.
- Preston Briggs - Rice
Jean-Pierre Briot - University of Tokyo
- Object-oriented programming, concurrency/parallelism, meta-programming
and reflection, artificial intelligence, artificial life, computer
- Kim B. Bruce -
Williams College
- Semantics and design of programming languages, type theory,
object-oriented languages, models of higher-order lambda calculus
including subtypes and bounded polymorphism.
- Barrett R. Bryant - The University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Compiler design, formal semantics, object-oriented technology.
- Tim Budd -
Oregon State
- Programming languages,
implementation techniques,
Peter Buhr - University of Waterloo
- Polymorphism, persistence, concurrency, and concurrent monitoring,
visualization and debugging.
- Margaret M. Burnett -
Oregon State University.
- Visual programming languages design, theory, and implementation.
(ftp-able papers).
- Rod Burstall - Edinburgh
- Computer-aided proof and its relation to type theory; development
of correct programs with respect to a specification; applications of
category theory in computer science.
- Philippe Canalda - INRIA Rocquencourt
- PAGODE: a generator of optimizing code generators, compilation
techniques, CoSy : an optimizing compiler platform, software
engineering, automatic term rewriting system generation, term and DAG
normalization problem, non-deterministic finite state automata with
non-linear and unification pattern constraints, dynamic programming,
reentrant programming, pattern matching.
- Luca Cardelli - DEC SRC
- Theory of programming languages: polymorphism, subtyping,
objects, recursion, modularization, typechecking, distribution.
Modula-3, Obliq, ML2000.
- Steve Carr -
Michigan Technological University
- Compilers for instruction-level parallel architectures.
- Nicholas Carriero - Yale
- Systems issues in the development and deployment of
software tools for parallelism
Giuseppe Castagna -
LIENS (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Normale
- Type theory, object-oriented programming.
- Manuel M.T. Chakravarty -
Technical University of Berlin
- Design and implementation of functional and logic programming
languages with emphasis on the integration of both paradigms and
parallel implementations.
Craig Chambers - University of Washington
- Design and implementation of advanced object-oriented languages.
- Thomas Christopher -
Illinois Institute of Technology
- Parallel programming languages, compilers, experimental programming
models, message-driven computing, and Icon.
- Mark Chu-Carroll - University of Delaware
- Programming languages and environments, general purpose
parallel programming, compiler analysis and high-level optimization.
- Wayne Citrin - University of Colorado
- Visual programming languages and environments.
- Chris Clack -
University College London
- Language design, programming environments and techniques
(especially functional programming), high performance computing
- William D Clinger -
- Higher order and functional languages: design and
specification, optimizations and their correctness,
generational garbage collection.
- Chris Colby - Carnegie Mellon
- Program analysis via abstract interpretation of the aliasing,
synchronization, and communication behavior of concurrent languages
such as Concurrent ML.
- Jean-Francois Collard - CNRS, Laboratory PRISM
- Static analyses, dataflow analyses, automatic parallelization,
scheduling, data-parallel functional programming
Charles Consel - University of Rennes/IRISA
- Static program analysis, compilation and compiler generation,
programming environment, prototyping and program transformation.
Robert Constable - Cornell
- Systems for computer-assisted problem solving in programming and
mathematics, such as Nuprl.
Models and program refinement for the Polya
programming language.
- Daniel E. Cooke - University of Texas at El Paso
- High-level language development. Recently developed language, SequenceL.
- Gordon V. Cormack -
University of Waterloo
- Parsing and text processing, attribute grammars, data types, concurrency.
- Patrick Cousot - ENS, Paris
- Static program analysis, abstract interpretation,
program development and verification, semantics.
Dirk Craeynest -
K. U. Leuven
- Semantics directed compiler construction, integrated environments,
programming language Ada, software engineering.
- Roger Crew
- Microsoft Research
- Semantics, program analysis, verification and
Ron Cytron - Washington University in St. Louis
- Program optimization, program transformation, intermediate
- Mads Dam - Swedish Institute of Computer Science
- First and higher order modal and temporal logics, compositional
verification techniques, process specification languages, and
applications to computer based systems for cooperative work.
Laurent Dami - Université de Genève
- The HOP Calculus;
integration of functional and object-oriented languages.
Olivier Danvy - Aarhus University
- Programming languages, partial evaluation, continuations.
- Rowan Davies - Carnegie Mellon
- Type systems, ML, refinement types, partial evaluation,
computation staging, program analysis.
- Jeffrey Dean -
Digital Equipment
Corporation, Western Research Laboratory
- Efficient profiling techniques (DCPI), optimization techniques for object-oriented & high-level
languages like Cecil, low-level code scheduling, software tools
for performance understanding
- Mourad Debbabi - Laval University, Quebec
- Programming languages, integration of paradigms, semantics and
formal methods.
- André DeHon
Quasistatic computing, specialization, feedback, and adaptation
- Arie van Deursen -
CWI, Amsterdam
- Language prototyping, algebraic specifications, language-specific
tools, program understanding, software reengineering.
- Stephan Diehl -
Universitaet des Saarlandes (University Saarbruecken)
- Semantics of programming languages, semantics directed generation
of compilers and abstract machines, meta-programming, WWW programming
- T. B. Dinesh -
- Object oriented programming; algebraic specifications;
theorem proving; visual languages; partial evaluation; ASF+SDF;
static program analysis
- Pedro Diniz -
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Parallelizing compilers,
program analysis and optimization of sequential and parallel programs,
dynamic feedback techniques.
- Amer Diwan - University of Massachusetts
- Garbage collection, inlining, memory system performance, optimization for
memory hierarchies, partial evaluation, program analysis, compilers for
object-oriented languages.
- Simon
Dobson - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Programming abstractions for parallel and distributed
systems, compilation, program transformation, semantics.
Scott Draves - Carnegie Mellon
- Partial evaluation, abstraction vs. performance.
- Bruce F. Duba -
Microsoft Research
- Design and implementation of programming languages.
- Dominic Duggan -
University of Waterloo
- Type systems and type inference (ML3000), object types, dynamic
types, operational semantics, higher-order unification, explicit
substitutions, partial continuations, application frameworks.
- Dirk Dussart -
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Program specialization techniques.
- Susan Eggers - University of Washington
- Dynamic compilation, code scheduling, parallel optimizations for locality.
Michael Ernst - Rice University
- Static analysis, slicing, debugging (including optimized code),
serialization of parallel programs; game theory, intellectual
- David Espinosa - MIT and Columbia
- Monads, compiler and operating system architecture.
- Leonidas Fegaras - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Functional programming, database programming languages, query optimization,
program transformation and verification.
Matthias Felleisen - Rice
- Principles of programming languages
- Mary Fernandez - AT&T Research
- Improving software development through the design of very
high-level and special-purpose programming languages and the
development of tools for their efficient implementation, such as the
New Jersey
Machine-Code toolkit.
Jeanne Ferrante - University of California, San Diego
- Intermediate representations for optimizing and parallelizing compilers;
optimization in parallel and memory hierarchy machines.
Andrzej Filinski - Edinburgh
- Continuations, CPS, category theory.
- Sigbjorn Finne - Glasgow
- Lazy functional languages, specifically Haskell, and their
use in the implementation of graphical user interfaces.
Cormac Flanagan - Rice
- Advanced programming languages; their semantic foundations, analysis,
optimization and implementation; and partial program verification,
both through advanced type systems and interactive program analyses.
- Ian Foster -
Argonne National Laboratory
- Parallel languages, compilers, runtime systems, applications.
Christopher W. Fraser - Bell Laboratories
- Retargetable code generation and optimization, including
a retargetable compiler for ANSI C.
Timothy Freeman - Carnegie Mellon
- Refinement types, ML
- Dan Friedman -
Indiana University
- Principles of programming languages
Svend Frølund - HP Labs
- Object-oriented languages; language support for coordination,
distribution, concurrency, persistence, and fault-tolerance.
- David Gelernter - Yale
Linda, parallel programming, software ensembles, artificial
intelligence, adaptive parallelism, programming environments for parallelism,
realtime data fusion, and expert databases.
Shai Geva - Carnegie Mellon
- Semantics, intensional aspects of computation, domain theory,
concurrency, functional programming, reasoning about programs.
- Giorgio Ghelli - Pisa University
- Database programming languages, type theory, object oriented
languages; the object-oriented database programming language
- Andy Gill - Glasgow
- Using equational reasoning to perform non-trivial proofs;
deforestation; purely functional finite maps; parsing combinators.
- Christopher Glaeser -
Nullstone Corporation
- Methodologies to evaluate compiler optimization and run-time
Robert Glück - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Programming languages and compiler construction, semantics-based program
manipulation and program analyses, program specialization, program
composition, metaprogramming, functional and logic programming.
Joseph A. Goguen - Oxford
- Software engineering; formal methods; object oriented, relational and
functional programming and their combinations; concurrent computer
architecture based on rewriting; algebraic specification; theorem
proving; hardware verification; philosophy of computation.
Benjamin Goldberg - New York University
- Functional programming, memory management, program optimization
- Andrew Gordon -
- Operational semantics; I/O and concurrency; mechanised verification.
- John K. Gough -
Queensland University of Technology
- Code generation, optimization. Implementation of programming
languages, strongly typed imperative languages.
- T.C. Nicholas Graham - York University
- Functional programming languages, languages for developing user
interfaces and multi-media groupware, visual programming environments.
John Greiner - Carnegie Mellon
- Language models of complexity, type theory, parallel algorithms.
- David Gries - Cornell
- Logic as a tool, programming methodology,
formal development of programs, semantics of programming languages,
Dave Grove - University of Washington
- Design, implementation and optimization of advanced
object-oriented languages, such as Cecil.
- Carl Gunter - University of Pennsylvania
- Domain theory, semantics of polymorphism, computational aspects of linear
logic, structure and representation of partial information.
- Rajiv Gupta - University of Pittsburgh
- Parallelizing and optimizing compilers; parallel architectures;
distributed, real-time, and fault tolerant computing; software testing
and debugging
Sandeep K. S. Gupta -
Colorado State University
- Parallelizing compilers, parallel program synthesis and parallel computing.
- Mary Hall - Stanford
- Interprocedural optimization for parallelizing compilers,
Thomas Hallgren - Chalmers
- Type systems with subtypes, graphical user interfaces for
functional languages.
- Kevin Hammond - Glasgow
- Design and implementation of pure functional languages, such as Haskell.
- John Hannan -
Penn State
- Operational semantics and type theory; compiler verification;
mathematical logic; program transformation; abstract machines.
David R. Hanson - Princeton
- lcc,
a retargetable compiler for ANSI C.
Programming languages, compilers, programming environments.
Michael Hanus - RWTH Aachen
- Type systems for and implementation of logic programming
languages, integration of functional and logic programming languages
(ALF system), abstract interpretation of logic, functional logic and
constraint logic programming languages.
- James Harland - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Foundations of logic programming, linear logic, proof theory,
deductive databases, computational logic.
Robert Harper - Carnegie Mellon
- Logical frameworks, machine-assisted proofs, ML, ML2000, modules,
lambda calculus, type theory, category theory, semantics and logics of
programs, functional programming, applications of functional languages
to systems programming.
- John Hatcliff - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Operational semantics, correctness of program transformations,
continuations, logics and type theory, logical frameworks, partial
evaluation, computational monads, static analysis of programs.
- Chris Haynes -
- Type systems, control abstraction, symbolic computation, Scheme.
- Fritz Henglein -
DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Type inference systems, program analysis, algorithmic and
computational complexity, global program optimization
Jonathan M. D. Hill - Oxford
- Bulk Synchronous Parallel model;
Data-parallel non-strict functional programming;
of the HPF library in Fortran 90
Michael Hind - SUNY at New Paltz, visiting IBM Research
- Compiler optimizations and programming languages.
C.A.R. Hoare - Oxford
- Programming methods and languages, proof techniques for programs,
distributed computing, category theory in computing science, C-mos
switching circuit design.
Richard C. Holt - University of Toronto
- Object oriented programming languages and teaching programming.
Urs Hölzle - University of California,
Santa Barbara
- Object-oriented programming languages, compilers for object-oriented
languages, run-time compilation.
James Hook - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Application of formal methods to software development, the theory
and practice of specification and programming languages, and type
- Jim Horning -
InterTrust Technologies
- Language design and implementation;
specification languages and tools (e.g., Larch); C++ and the Standard Template Library.
- Luke Hornof - University of Rennes/IRISA
- Partial evaluation, binding-time analysis, run-time code generation,
adaptive operating systems.
- Susan Horwitz - University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Language-based programming environments; program slicing,
differencing, and merging; static analysis of programs; and
interprocedural dataflow analysis.
- Antony L. Hosking -
Purdue University
- Programming language design and implementation: compilation,
interpretation, and optimization; run-time systems (e.g., garbage
collection). Object-oriented database systems; database and
persistent programming languages and systems. Empirical performance
evaluation of prototype systems.
Brian Howard - Kansas State
- Programming language design and theory, particularly functional
languages, semantics, and type theory. Logic and computation.
Natural language processing.
Paul Hudak - Yale
- Functional programming, Haskell, parallel programming in Haskell,
modular interpreters, mutable abstract datatypes.
Graham Hutton - University of Nottingham
- Functional programming; relational programming; polytypic
programming; programming calculi; recursion operators; categorical
- Graham Hutton - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Functional and relational programming, category theory in
computer science, algebraic approaches to programming.
- S. Purushothaman Iyer -
North Carolina State University
- Abstract Interpretation, Concurrency, Formal methods.
- Daniel Jackson - Carnegie Mellon
- Tractable representations and analyses of designs and
code. Specifications, design methods, static analysis, model checking.
Quinn Tyler Jackson - Lambda Systems Ltd.
- Pattern matching, language-to-language translation,
OO-to-non-OO modeling
Suresh Jagannathan - NEC Research Institute
- Advanced language and compiler technology for the Scheme
programming language; the incorporation of formal methods such as
continuation models, type inference, abstract interpretation, etc. as
a foundation for such a technology; parallel and distributed computing
for symbolic and irregular applications.
Sverker Janson - SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science)
- Foundations, design, and implementation technology for
multiparadigm languages that offer a combination of concurrency
(distribution), constraints, and mutable state.
- Patrik Jansson -
- Polytypic programming, functional programming, program calculation
- Johan Jeuring -
- Program calculation, programming methodology, type systems
and programming languages for polytypic programming, functional
- Trevor Jim - University of Pennsylvania
- Semantics, compilers, type inference.
- Chang-Hyun Jo -
Kyonggi University, Korea
- Programming language design and implementation (Parallel-C++. CHILL96),
language semantics and formal specification, software testing,
programming environments (CHILL96 Debugger).
Cliff B. Jones - Manchester University
- Compositional formal methods for parallel environments,
support systems for formal methods,
Mark P. Jones - University of Nottingham
- Programming language design and implementation, type theory, module
systems, program transformation and analysis, functional programming.
- Simon Peyton Jones - Glasgow
- Design, implementation, and application of lazy functional
languages. In practical terms, that means I spend most of my time on
our implementation of Haskell, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, and its
Jesper Jørgensen - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Semantic based program manipulation and program analyses. Program
specialization (e.g. partial evaluation, deforestation and
supercompilation), flow and binding-time analysis and representation
- Martin Jourdan -
INRIA, Rocquencourt, France
- Attribute grammars (esp. the
FNC-2 system), program
analysis, compiler construction and generation.
- Bill Kalsow - DEC SRC
Modula-3, programming languages and environments, compilers
and runtime systems
- Fairouz Kamareddine -
University of Glasgow
- Logic, lambda calculus, type theory.
- Jasper Kamperman -
- Compilation of term rewriting systems, algebraic, equational and
functional languages, lazy rewriting, algebraic specifications.
- Uwe Kastens -
University of Paderborn, Germany
- Methods and tools for language implementation,
compilation for parallel machines.
Dinesh Katiyar - Sun Microsystems
- Programming languages, object-oriented languages, multi-language systems,
interface definition languages, type theory
Richard Kelsey - NEC Research Institute
- Compiling scheme, Scheme 48,
continuation-passing style.
- Andrew Kennedy -
University of Cambridge
- Type systems, type inference, dimension types and the extension of
programming languages to support physical dimension, functional programming.
David Keppel - University of Washington
- Abstractions, architectures, binding times, caches,
compilers, dynamic compilation, emulation, operating systems,
performance analysis, runtime code generation, runtime systems,
self-modifying code, instruction-set simulation, threads, tracing,
value-specific optimization.
- Maurice van Keulen -
University of Twente
- Type systems, polymorphy, functional programming, database
specification, object-orientation, semantics of such languages.
- Gregor Kiczales
- Xerox PARC
- Object-oriented programming, reflection, metaobject protocols, open
compilers, efficient compilation of high-level programs.
- Sangwook Kim - Kyungpook National University, Korea
- Computer and programming languages, visual languages, multimedia
langugaes semantic analysis for visual concepts.
- David King - Glasgow
- Expressing graph algorithms in Haskell, algorithm design and
correctness, imperative functional programming.
- Edgar Knapp -
- Formal methods for concurrent program development, tool support for
program design, retargetable implementation of concurrent programs.
Todd Knoblock - Microsoft Research
- 4D graphics and interactivity, program specializaton, run time
code generation, partial evaluation, high level programming languages,
program analysis and optimization, and type theory.
- Dattatraya Kulkarni -
University of Toronto
- Compiler optimizations, program transformations
- Kwangkeun Yi -
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Compile-time program analysis, programming environments,
program analysis tools, safe programming.
- Monica Lam - Stanford
- Compiler optimizations, computer architectures, parallel computing,
- Leslie Lamport - DEC SRC
- TLA (the Temporal Logic of Actions),
writing proofs.
- James Larus -
University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Programming languages and compilers, in particular languages and
compilers for parallel machines; design and programming of
shared-memory parallel computers; compiling symbolic languages;
program profiling and tracing; and program executable editing.
Konstantin Läufer - Loyola University of Chicago
- Programming languages and compilers, functional and object-oriented
programming, type systems, type inference, software engineering.
John Launchbury - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Functional programming, functional algorithms, the semantics of lazy
evaluation, incorporating destructive updates in Haskell,
partial evaulation, program analysis.
- Programming and specification language design and semantics,
formal methods (program specification and verification),
programming methodology, object-oriented programming,
functional programming, distributed computer systems.
Peter Lee - Carnegie Mellon
- Semantics-based compiler generation, program analysis and
optimization, ML, compiler support for advanced systems software.
- K. Rustan M. Leino -
- Programming and program design technologies, programming
languages and systems, specification and verification,
program semantics, object-orientation and modularity.
Mark Leone - Indiana University
- Run-time code generation, partial evaluation, compiling functional
programs, program analysis and optimization, type theory.
- Xavier Leroy -
INRIA Rocquencourt
- Type systems, module systems, operational semantics,
implementation of ML, the Caml Light compiler.
Michael Leuschel - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Partial evaluation and partial deduction,
meta-programming and the ground representation,
specialised integrity checking.
Raph Levien - UC Berkeley
- Compilers for higher-order languages; analysis of memory access
patterns, closure representations, avoiding the need for garbage
- Sean Levy, Allen Dutoit, Eric Gardner, Eswaran Subrahmanian - Carnegie Mellon
- n-dim Group, Engineering Design Research Center, CMU
- Object-oriented languages/environments, embeddable languages/toolkits,
support for evolutionary prototyping, user interfaces, collaboration
Sheng Liang - Yale
- Design and implementation of modern programming
languages, modular semantics, compiler generation, portable common
Leonid Libkin - University of Pennsylvania
- Functional database query languages, semantics of programming
languages, partial information
- Karl Lieberherr -
Northeastern University
- Adaptive Software, adaptive architecture description languages.
Jim Lipton - Wesleyan University
- Logic programming, type theory, intuitionistic semantics, programming
with relations, categorical logic.
Björn Lisper - KTH, Dept. of Teleinformatics
- Theory for efficient implementation of declarative languages;
Data parallel and functional programming; program transformations.
- Y. Annie Liu
- Indiana University
- Program analyses and transformations for efficiency improvement,
optimizing compilers, language-based interactive systems, algorithm
design, program development methods.
- Luc Maranget - INRIA Rocquencourt
- Lazy ML: compilation of pattern matching and parallel implementation;
strategies in term rewriting systems.
- Dave Mason - Waterloo
- Compilation of functional programming languages, particularly of
Standard ML for systems programming purposes, literate programming and
other aspects of text formatting.
Florian Matthes - Hamburg University, Germany
- Persistent programming environments: extensible syntax, higher-order
type checking, static and dynamic code optimization, object store interfaces
- Bernd Mathiske - Hamburg University
- Language implementation, portable multi-threaded
runtime systems, code generation; distributed persistent languages, code
mobility, thread mobility, autonomous network agents; bidirectional
language interfacing, cross-language exception handling.
David McAllester - MIT AI Laboratory
- Automated reasoning and type inference
- Erik Meijer - Utrecht University
- Functional programming, semantics directed compiler generation,
constructive algorithmics.
- Marjan Mernik -
University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Design and implementation of programming languages, formal language
definition, compiler generators, attribute grammars
- Olivier Michel -
LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (Paris XI)
- Declarative languages, data-parallelism, representation
of space, implicit construction of programs, names and name capture, the
8 1/2 language.
Dale Miller - University of Pennsylvania
- Computational logic, proof theory, design and theory of logic and
functional programming languages, unification of typed lambda-calculi,
lambda Prolog.
- Robin Milner - Cambridge
- Mathematical models of computation - models and calculi for
concurrent computation; how to present logics to machines; semantics
of high-level programming constructs.
John Mitchell - Stanford
- Programming language analysis and design, including module
systems, object-oriented programming, type systems, and reasoning
about programs; applications of mathematical logic to programming
languages and automated reasoning; algorithms for static analysis of
- Anwar M. Mohammed - Carnegie Mellon
- Compilers: optimizing and parallelizing sequential languages, parallel
algorithms, languages, and architectures.
- Greg Morrisett - Cornell
- Systems hacking in high-level languages, compilers,
analysis via types, modeling garbage collection, concurrency, threads.
Christian Mossin - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Type inference for analysis of functional programs. Program
analysis, type systems, logic, lambda calculus and (to some extent)
category theory.
- Frank Mueller - Humboldt-University Berlin
- Compiler optimizations, concurrent programming, prediction of execution time
- Robert Muller -
Boston College
- Compilers for higher-order languages, program representation, program
analysis and optimization, extensible parsers.
- Uwe Nestmann - INRIA Rocquencourt
- Formal Semantics, concurrency theory, translation correctness,
Kristian Nielsen - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Deforestation, partial evaluation, supercompilation, program
analysis, implementation of functional programming languages, lazy evaluation.
- Oscar Nierstrasz -
University of Berne
- Semantics of object-based concurrency; software composition languages.
- Rishiyur Nikhil - DEC CRL
- Parallel computing -- languages and implementations, runtime systems,
architectures. Functional languages and implementations, especially
parallel implementations.
- Tobias Nipkow - Technische Universität München
- Automatic and interactive theorem proving, system verification,
rewriting, unification, lambda-calculus, type systems.
- Steve Novack -
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- The EVE Mutation Scheduling compiler, fine-grain parallelization, code
development environments, and hardware/software co-design. The PROMIS
compiler, interactions between source-level and instruction-level transformations.
- Lars Nyland - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- High-level languages for prototyping parallel algorithms.
Development of complex parallel algorithms. Transformation of
high-level code to parallel implementations.
- Albert Nymeyer -
University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Co-author of "Practice and Principles of Compiler
Building with C" (Prentice Hall), 1996.
- The theory and implementation of the bottom-up
pattern-matching code-generation technique; combined
with a heuristic search method to select optimal code.
- John O'Donnell - Glasgow
- Using functional programming to specify and reason about parallel
systems such as digital circuits and data parallel architectures;
nondeterminism; debugging; functional programming environments.
- Peter O'Hearn -
Syracuse University
- Semantic and logical foundations of imperative computation.
Bryan O'Sullivan - Glasgow
- Parallel computing, operating systems, compilers, partial
evaluation, functional programming languages, and all sorts of odd
permutations of these topics.
James O'Toole - MIT
- Storage systems design for information retrieval and persistent
object applications.
Atsushi Ohori - Kyoto University
- Type inference, polymorphic record calculus, compilation, parallelism.
- Martin Odersky -
University of Karlsruhe
- Formal methods for the definition of programming languages and the
design and manipulation of programs. Special areas of interests are
program calculi, type systems, semantics of programming languages, and
programming language implementation.
- John Ophel - La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia
- Polymorphic programming languages, first-class modules.
- Mehmet A. Orgun -
Macquarie University, Sydney
- Logic programming, applied temporal logic, dataflow
computation, temporal databases.
- Jens Palsberg - MIT
- Theory and implementation of programming languages.
- Didier Parigot -
INRIA Rocquencourt
- Attribute grammars, the FNC-2 system.
- Algirdas Pakstas -
Agder College
- Distributed programming, system architect's language ALADDIN,
integrated compiler development environment GDT/PC ("Grammar Debugging
Tool and Parser Constuctor").
- Krishna Palem - New York University
- Optimizing compilers, instruction-level parallelism, instruction
scheduling and register allocation, compiling for embedded systems.
- George A. Papadopoulos - University of Cyprus
- Term graph rewriting systems, coordination models,
logic, functional and object-oriented programming.
- Larry Paulson -
- The
theorem prover. Formalizing axiomatic set theory. Formalizing induction and
coinduction principles in set theory and higher-order logic. Standard ML.
Frank Pfenning - Carnegie Mellon
- Type theory and its application to language design, in particular
logic- and functional-programming languages. Logic,
automated theorem proving, formal program development, and programming
- Michael Philippsen -
ICSI, Berkeley
- Languages and compilers for parallel and distributed machines.
Benjamin C. Pierce - Indiana University
- Static type systems, subtyping, bounded quantification, type
inference, lambda-calculus, intersection types, concurrency.
- John Plevyak
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Concurrent object-oriented programming language design and
compilation. Type Inference. Structure Analysis. Concurrent C++.
The Illinois Concert
- Gordon Plotkin - Edinburgh
- Applications of logic, especially denotational and operational
semantics of programming languages; semantics of type systems, monadic
theories of computation, general proof theory and the semantics of
natural language, particularly type-free intensional logics for
situation theory.
- Lori L. Pollock - University of Delaware
- Optimizing compilers for high performance architectures, compiler
phase integration, language and compiler support for cluster
computing, optimizing explicitly parallel programs, parallel
- Salil Pradhan - Northeastern University
- Adaptive architecture description languages.
Vaughan Pratt - Stanford
- Semantics of parallel and distributed computing.
- Jan F. Prins -
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- High-level programming languages; formal techniques in program
development; parallel algorithms and parallel computation; compilation
of programs for parallel execution.
William Pugh - University of Maryland
- Algorithms and data structure design and analysis, skip lists,
compilers for massively parallel architectures, integer programming
for array data dependence analysis.
- Henrik Quintel -
Fachhochschule Worms, Deutschland, Germany
- Development of parallel compilers and high-speed Front-end/Back-end
generators. Working on Q, a parallel, object-oriented programming
- J. Ramanujam -
Louisiana State University
- Parallelizing compilers, high-performance computing, programming
languages, computer architecture, programming environments.
- Norman Ramsey - University
of Virginia
- Machine-code tools, retargetability, literate programming, and debugging.
Chris Reade - Brunel University
- Functional programming, functional I/O, theory of programming
languages, type theory, and formal methods.
Jonathan Rees - MIT
- Scheme, user-defined data types, lexically scoped macros,
modules, categories, monads, Scheme-based operating systems.
Jakob Rehof - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Type systems; type inference;
logical and computational aspects of type systems;
type systems in program analysis.
- Alastair Reid -
- Use and implementation of functional languages (graphics, garbage
collection, user interfaces, debugging). Formal program development
(transformation and implementation of algebraic specifications of
abstract data types).
- John Reif -
- Parallel algorithms, compilers for parallel machines,
formal methods for synthesis of parallel algorithms.
Mark Reinhold - NEC Research Institute
- Garbage collection, compilation techniques, type systems,
semantics, and the visualization and analysis of program performance.
- Didier Remy -
INRIA Rocquencourt
- Type systems; object oriented programming.
Thomas Reps - University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Language-based programming environments; program slicing,
differencing, and merging; interprocedural dataflow analysis; and
incremental algorithms.
Jon G. Riecke - Bell Laboratories
- Theory of programming languages: operational and denotational
semantics, logics of programs, formal methods, type systems and
inference, abstraction. Higher-order languages with state,
control, polymorphism.
- Kristoffer Rose -
DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Semantics, lambda calculus, rewrite systems, explicit
substitution, abstract machines, sharing, graph reduction.
Guido van Rossum - CWI (Centre for Mathemathics and Computer Science), Amsterdam
- Object-oriented languages, scripting languages, prototyping
languages; designed and implemented Python, co-implemented ABC
Francois Rouaix - INRIA Rocquencourt
- Extensions of the ML type system, overloading, object-oriented
programming, abstract types, type operators, modularity.
Erik Ruf - Microsoft Research
- Design, implementation, and optimization of programming languages, and
the use of program analysis to support program understanding and
- Barbara Ryder - Rutgers
- Compile-time program analyses and software tools for
parallel/sequential programming environments. Chair of ACM SIGPLAN.
- Amr Sabry - University of Oregon
- Compilers, data flow analysis, abstract interpretation,
programming language calculi, and semantic foundations.
David Sands - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Programming language semantics, and their applications to
abstract interpretation and related semantics based analysis
- Don Sannella - Edinburgh LFCS
- Formal development of modular software from specifications.
Modularization mechanisms. Machine-assisted proof. Semantics.
- Patrick Sansom - Glasgow
- Implementation and runtime support of pure functional languages,
including compiler analysis and optimisation, garbage collection, and
- Joao A. Saraiva -
Universidade do Minho
- Compilers, attribute grammars, parallel compilation.
Andre Scedrov - University of Pennsylvania
- Mathematical logic, mathematical aspects of programming
- Bill Scherlis - Carnegie Mellon
- Semantics-based program analysis and manipulation, information structures.
David Schmidt - Kansas State
- Denotational semantics and intuitionistic type theory.
- Michael I. Schwartzbach -
BRICS, University of Aarhus
- Programming languages: type systems, type inference,
static program analysis, data types, language design, implementation.
- Cotton Seed - MIT and the Motorola Cambridge Research Center
- Computer architecture, compilers for MPPs, dataflow and implicitly
parallel languages, program analysis, auto-parallelization.
Peter Sestoft - Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
- Functional programming languages and their implementation, program
analysis and transformation, and partial evaluation.
Zhong Shao - Yale
- Efficient compilation of high-level languages, interaction of
languages and compilers with modern architectures, programming
environments, and formal methods.
Tim Sheard - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Compile-time reflection, type parametric programming,
program transformation, and algebraic programming.
Olin Shivers - MIT
- Advanced programming languages
(such as
and ML), systems, and personal user interfaces.
Duncan Sinclair - University of Strathclyde
- Functional programming and in particular, how HCI research could
be used to make creation of graphical user interfaces for functional
programs easier.
- Satnam Singh - Glasgow
- Using functional languages for hardware specification, synthesis
and analysis.
- Jonas Skeppstedt -
Halmstad University, Sweden
- Application-level code optimisation; data prefetching; cache coherence
- Anthony Sloane -
James Cook University
- Generation of programming language implementations, tools and environments
from high-level specifications.
- Scott F. Smith -
Johns Hopkins
- Operational semantics of imperative, object-oriented, and concurrent
programming languages. Operational equivalence of programs, logics of
Ellen Spertus - MIT
- Value dependence graph IR, code generation and register allocation for
superscalar/superpipelined architectures.
Vugranam C. Sreedhar - McGill University
- Data flow analysis, compiler optimization, instruction level
parallelism, multithreaded architecture, optimizing explicit parallel
programs, memory consistency models.
Bjarne Steensgaard - Microsoft Research
- Static program analysis, program transformation, value dependence
graph IR, data flow analyses, store splitting, partial evaluation.
Patrick Steyaert - Brussels Free University
- Reflection and object-oriented programming languages and
systems; User interfaces, user interface building, application building.
Allen Stoughton - Kansas State
- Programming language semantics, full abstraction, models of the applied
typed lambda calculus PCF, logical relations and lambda definability.
David Stoutamire - International Computer Science Institute
- Compiling for distribution, compiling for locality,
garbage collection, Sather.
- Dave WJ Stringer-Calvert -
University of York, UK
- Compiler verification and the
PVS verification system.
- Walid Taha -
Oregon Graduate Institute
- Transformational programming systems, functional
programming, object-oriented programming, software engineering and compilers.
Carolyn Talcott - Stanford
- Formal reasoning, semantics of programming languages, open distributed
systems, reflection.
- Domenico Talia -
ISI-CNR, Rende, Italy
- Parallel computing architectures, concurrent programming languages,
distributed systems.
- Bob Tennent - Edinburgh
- Semantics and design of programming languages and logics.
- George K. Thiruvathukal -
Lake Shore Labs;
Metromail Corp; Illinois Institute of Technology
- Object oriented languages, enhanced actors programming model, virtual
machines, parallel and distributed programming languages, class
libraries and typing systems.
Stephen Thomas - University of Nottingham
- Use and implementation of functional languages; the design of
abstract architectures for functional languages, particularly the TIM.
Frank Tip - IBM T.J. Watson
- Program analysis, program transformation/restructuring, program slicing,
optimizations of object-oriented programs.
Mario Tokoro - Keio University
- Object-oriented computing, concurrent programming,
distributed and open systems, and cooperative problem solving.
- Andrew Tolmach - Portland State University
- Functional language implementation and tools.
David Toman - Kansas State
- Implementation of PROLOG and LP languages, semantics of LP languages,
semantics and expressivity of database query languages.
- David N. Turner -
- Type systems, type-based program analysis, functional programming,
pi-calculus, implementation of concurrent calculi.
Chau-Wen Tseng - University of Maryland
- Compilers for scalable parallel architectures, compilers for
high-performance uniprocessors, parallel and distributed systems,
programming environments and tools, programming languages.
Franklyn Turbak - Wellesley College
- Programming language semantics and implementation,
deforestation, type-based compilation, visual languages, robot languages.
- Mark Vandevoorde - MIT
- Optimizing programs with specifications
- Eelco Visser -
University of Amsterdam
- Formalisms and tools for language design and prototyping:
syntax definition, type systems, documentation tools;
grammar formalisms, parsing, algebraic specification, ASF+SDF.
- German Vidal -
Technical University of Valencia, Spain
- Integration of functional and logic programming languages,
abstract interpretation,
sematics-based program transformation.
- Philip Wadler - Glasgow
- Linear logic, monads, call by need, type classes, parametricity,
deforestation, strictness analysis, data abstraction, and garbage
- William M. Waite -
University of Colorado at Boulder
- Automation of compiler construction
- Chris Walton -
Edinburgh LFCS
- Standard ML, type systems, mobile code
Mitchell Wand - Northeastern
- Semantics, compiler correctness, type inference.
- David Watt -
University of Glasgow
- Action semantics, language design, semantics-directed compiler
generation, rapid prototyping.
Martin Weichert - Chalmers
- Concurrency
William E. Weihl - MIT
- Parallel and distributed systems, programming languages,
compilers, operating systems, and computer architecture.
- Pierre Weis - INRIA
- Design and implementation of functional
programming languages, in particular their compilation and type
systems, and in particular the Caml language.
Daniel Weise - Microsoft Research
- Using advanced representations and analysis to build better compilers
and programming tools. Still seeking the holy grail of abstraction
without cost even though I don't explicitly hack partial evaluation
Morten Welinder - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Partial evaluation of Standard ML, binding-time analysis,
hand-writing program generator generators.
- David B. Whalley -
Florida State University
- Compiler optimizations, support tools for performance evaluation and
diagnosing compiler errors, predicting execution time.
Paul R. Wilson - University of Texas at Austin
- Memory management (garbage collection, allocators), persistence (Texas
p-store), extensible languages and compilers (RScheme), memory hierarchies,
free software.
Russel Winder - University College London
- Languages and environments for developing parallel object-oriented
systems; development of information systems, including processes,
techniques, tools, environments, and philosophical aspects.
Jeannette Wing - Carnegie Mellon
- Formal specifications, concurrent and distributed systems,
programming languages, programming methodology, and search and
retrieval in the information superhighway.
- Michael Winikoff -
Melbourne University
- Logic programming, linear logic,
functional programming.
- Michael Wolfe -
The Portland Group
- Compiler optimizations, compiling for parallel machines
- David Wolfram -
The Australian National University
- Semantics of declarative languages; higher-order languages and
meta-theories; semantics of concurrency in object-based languages;
effectiveness of implementations.
- David Wonnacott - Haverford College
- Analysis of array references (including array dataflow analysis),
constraint manipulation (Presburger Arithmetic),
optimization for memory locality.
Andrew Wright - NEC Research Institute
- Soft typing, type systems, compilation techniques, Scheme, ML.
- Limsoon Wong
- University of Pennsylvania. Institute of Systems Science, Singapore.
- Interoperable systems, multimedia systems, programming
methodologies, query languages, and programming language semantics.
- Gao Xiaocheng - Beijing University of Aero and Astro (BUAA)
- Constraint hierarchy, object oriented languages, Linux.
- Takashi Yamanoue - Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Visual programming, parallel programming, compiler-compilers,
attributed grammars.
- Katherine Yelick -
U.C. Berkeley
- Programming languages and runtime support for parallel machines;
optimizing explicitly parallel programs.
Akinori Yonezawa - University of Tokyo
- Parallel computation models, programming
languages, object-oriented programming, and natural language processing.
- Guo-Qiang Zhang -
University of Georgia at Athens
- Domain theory, semantics of programming languages,
applied logic, nonmonotonic reasoning.
Benjamin Zorn - University of Colorado at Boulder
- Programming language design and implementation with specific
emphasis on language runtime systems and the ways in which they can
support efficient program execution and ease of programming.
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Additions and corrections are welcome!
Mark Leone (