DESSERT is developing a toolkit from which decision support systems (DSSs) for service management may be constructed. Partners in the project are Broadcom Eireann (IRL), PTT Research (NL), Sema Group Telecom (F), the departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of Queen Mary and Westfield College (UK), British Telecom (UK), Framentec-Cognitech (F), Inform GmbH (D), Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City University (IRL). The work is partially funded by the European Commission. The toolkit work is partly based on the development of a number of DSS demonstrators. PTT Research and Sema Group Telecom are cooperating on the Customer Requirements Capture Application (CRCA). This system is designed to help sales consultants in their negotiation with clients and is aimed at supporting users in understanding what clients do, which telecommunications needs are associated with these business activities and which services best satisfy these requirements. Decision support in the CRCA is based around the construction and manipulation of a number of models which reflect the users understanding of the client's situation. It is essential to the work that these models are easy to view and manipulate, requiring sophisticated user interfaces. Garnet was chosen as the user interface development environment because of its flexibility, constraint handling and support for animation. Version 1 of the CRCA was completed in September 1993. Version 2, which will extend the existing functionality and include more sophisticated interface capabilities, will be completed in June 1994.