In Section 4.2.3 we described a plan for ending up with a flat coin. The decision in this plan does not distinguish between the coin landing heads-up and tails-up---the decision rules are ambiguous.
Initial: (HOLDING-COIN) Step 1 (2): (TOSS-COIN) (AND (NOT (HOLDING-COIN)) (ON-TABLE)) 0 -> (HOLDING-COIN) Step 2 (4): (INSPECT-COIN) (AND (KNOW-IF (FLAT-COIN)) (KNOW-IF (HEADS-UP)) (KNOW-IF (TAILS-UP)) (KNOW-IF (ON-EDGE))) Step 3 (3): (DECIDE UNK2S) (and (FLAT-COIN) T ) => [UNK2S: H] (and (FLAT-COIN) T ) => [UNK2S: T] (and (ON-EDGE) T ) => [UNK2S: E] 2 -> (KNOW-IF (FLAT-COIN)) 2 -> (KNOW-IF (ON-EDGE)) Step 4 (1): (TIP-COIN) YES: [UNK2S: E] NO : [UNK2S: H T] (FLAT-COIN) 1 -> (ON-EDGE) NO : [UNK2S: H T] Goal: (FLAT-COIN) GOAL YES: [UNK2S: T] 1 -> (FLAT-COIN) NO : [UNK2S: H E] GOAL YES: [UNK2S: H] 1 -> (FLAT-COIN) NO : [UNK2S: T E] GOAL YES: [UNK2S: E] 4 -> (FLAT-COIN) NO : [UNK2S: H T] Complete!