15-853: Algorithms in the Real World (Guy Blelloch, Fall 99)

Topic 6: N-body Simulations
[ Topics |
Scribe Notes |
Readings |
Text Books |
Links ]
N-body 1 (draft) (Tajh Taylor)
N-body 2 (draft) (Steven Gribble)
The Numerical Solution of the N-Body Problem, L. Greengard
N-body/Particle simulation Methods.
An excellent online overview of various n-body methods.
Note: we will be spending most of our time
on the tree and FMM methods, so if you don't understand the other
methods described very well, don't worry.
Cosmological N-body Simulation.
Not required, but a good short reading on the state-of-the-art
in nbody simulations in cosmology from
the N-body Shop.
The only textbook I know of on the subject
Susanne Pfalzner and Paul Gibbon.
Many Body Tree Methods in Physics.
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Articles on the subject
Fast algorithms for classical physics, L. Greengard
A hierarchical O(N Log N) force calculation algorithm.
J. E. Barnes and P. Hut. Nature, 324(4):446-449, December 1986.
Fast parallel tree codes for gravitational and fluid dynamical
N-body problems. Salmon, Warren and Winckelmans.
Scalable variants of multipole-based algorithms for molecular
dynamics applications.
Board, Hakura, Elliot, and Rankin.
Optimal parallel all-nearest-neighbours using the well-separated
pairs decomposition.
P.B. Callahan. In 34th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 332-340, Palo Alto, 1993. IEEE.
Astrophysical n-body simulations using hierarchical tree data
M. Warren and J. Salmon. In Proceedings of Supercomputing, 1992.
General links
A Survey
from the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
Parallel N-Body Simulations.
methods, from a Astronomy course by Joshua Barnes.
Here are two online lectures on the Barnes Hut
and Greengard methods from
a course by
Jim Demmel at Berkeley.
Implementations and comparisons
Available software for n-body simulations.
A Data-Parallel Implementation of the Adaptive Fast Multipole Algorithm
by Lars Nyland, Jan Prins, and John Reif
Scientific Computing Group at the Dept. of Electrical Eng, Duke University.
The N-body Shop at
the University of Washington.
Some images (JPEG) and movies (MPEG) of structure
formation in the universe.
A theoretical astrophysics page
from Los Alomos national labs.
Stellar Dynamical Systems, from a course by Joshua Barnes.
Vortex Methods and Fluid Dynamics
The Parallel hierarchical N-body solvers for vortex flows
Grid-Free Simulation of 3-D Viscous Flows
Multibody Fluid Dynamics by a Vortex
Particle/Boundary Element Method
SPH -- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics.
Has lots of pointers to general work and codes for the n-body problem.
Application of Fast Parallel and Sequential Tree Codes to
Computing Three-Dimensional Flows with the Vortex
Element and Boundary Element Methods
Back to the Algorithms in the Real World home page.
Guy Blelloch,