Operator: Check-success
Problem space: Constraints
- Operator Overview:
- This operator ties up the constraints checking for a link operator.
- Operator Proposal:
- Proposed whenever the space is constraints space but has worst preference.
- Operator Application:
- Checks that at least one check-constraint operator has applied and if this is the
case, puts ^annotation constraints-passed on the state. Else, prints out an
warning message "No constraints proposed" before putting ^annotation
constraints-passed on the state. Note that in the latter case, no chunk is built.
Eventually, this will cause termination of the
generate-operator(link) and the proposal of the link operator in the u-construct
- Operator Reconsider:
- The constraints space is a response to an operator no-change impasse due to
generate-operator(link). Hence, once generate-operator(link) successfully terminates
(because of the application of this operator), the constraints space will disappear.
Productions are in file:
Back to the operator hierarchy.
This page written by Han Ming Ong (hanming@cs.cmu.edu)