Problem space: Completion
- Operator Overview:
- Please refer to the completed operator first.
The application of this operator will result only in the chunk that puts a reconsider
preference on the impassed u/s-constructor. The chunk that marks u/s-model-success on
the current word will not be built and because of this, another
learn-language operator will be
proposed, which will in turn lead to another u/s-constructor that consists only of
the empty operator. Since empty operators always result in marking u/s-model-success
via completion, the word eventually be marked with a u/s-model-success flag.
- Operator Proposal:
- The completion space will recognize the u/s-model as incomplete if there
is more than one tree in the model. If the other conditions for the proposal of a
completed operator are not satisfied, then this operator gets selected.
- Operator Application:
- Proposes the reconsider preference for the impassed u/s-constructor.
- Operator Reconsider:
- The completion problem space is a response to the operator no-change impasse of an
u/s-constructor and hence, when the u/s-constructor gets a reconsider preference, the
entire problem space disappears.
Productions are in file: completion.incomplete.soar
Back to the operator hierarchy.
This page written by Han Ming Ong ( and
Greg Nelson (
Updated by Julie Van Dyke (, August 1997