Problem space: u-construct
[NP [DET the] [N' green]] and
[NP [DET the] [N' [AP green] [N' man]]]
NL-Soar perceives this phenomenon as an inconsistency because the u-model representation does not systematically support multiple interpretations. A snip operator is triggered by the presence of syntactic structure attached to competing senses of the same lexical token. The more recent structure is prefered because it is complete (in the sense that all the words are in the structure) and so in the above example, snip breaks the link between [DET the] and [NP green]. Note that snip does not actively repair the structure, it just removes a previous link relation and then NL-Soar takes over to propose other appropriate link operators.
For example, if we had a link operator that links [DET the] to [NP green] (in this case, [NP green] is the assigner A that assigns the syntactic relation SPEC to the receiver R, [DET the]), then A would have an attribute-value pair ^SPEC R. If we now have a snip operator that snips R from A, A would now have the attribute-value pair ^SPEC *empty*.
Back to the operator hierarchy.
This page written by Han Ming Ong(