Result type: Operator Proposal
Unfortunately, not all Soar systems are written in this fashion. In particular, some use the "Michigan" style, in which high-level goals and deep goal stacks can persist for long periods. In such systems, kicking out the top task operator to let NL-Soar have the top operator slot would destroy a lot of task state, much of which might not be recoverable. Even if it were recoverable, the task system will not have the necessary productions to do so, because NL-Soar could return control to the task in a situation not anticipated in the task's top-level productions.
The solution we have adopted is to allow NL-Soar to "pretend" that any appropriate problem space is really the top space, so that its top-level operators can fire there. Doing this required two modifications to NL-Soar:
1. ^language-ops-allowed yes. Indicates that language operators are allowed in this space.
2. ^top-state S1. Points to the state of the real top problem space.
3. ^io-state S1. same as ^top-state.
The state of the real top space, S1, contains all the attribute-value pairs documented above for systems written in Neo-PEACTIDM style except for:
1. ^language-ops-allowed. This is because language operators are not allowed in the top space of systems written in Michigan style.
2. ^name. (don't think this attribute really matters)
3. ^segment. (will be dealt with later)
All different s-constructors are indifferent. Identical s-constructors with more word-id coverage are prefered, else they are indifferent. U-constructors are indifferent to s-constructors.
The access operator has the best perference (which doesn't really matter because this will always be the first operator to execute before other operators are made available). The Learn-Language operator has the best preference. But u/s-constructors are better than other PEACTIDM operators (top*c*model-comprehend-over-other-peactidm), which means they are better than the LL operator.
Back to the problem-space hierarchy.
This page written by Han Ming Ong ( Updated by Julie Van Dyke (, August 1997