TACAIR                                         NL

0   S: S1 
1   O: O2 (init-agent)
2   O: O4 (select-mission)
3   O: O7 (create-agent)
4   O: O6 (wait-to-start-vehicle)
5   O: O8 (init-plane)
6   S: S20 (operator no-change)
7   O: O9 (wait)
.      ...
.      ...
18  O: O9 (wait)
19  O: O10 (execute-mission)
20  S: S21 (operator no-change)
21  O: O19 (racetrack)
22  S: S22 (operator no-change)
23  O: O24 (waypoint-computer)
24  S: S23 (operator no-change)
25  O: O25 (fly-to-racetrack)
26  S: S24 (operator no-change)
27  O: O39 (categorize-turn)
28  O: O40 (just-turn)
29  S: S25 (operator no-change)
30  O: O42 (identify-by-call-sign)
    Achieved new radar info for agent A48 (mark-2)
31  O: O47 (identify-contact)
    Achieved new radar info for agent A51
32  O: O49 (group-bogey)
33  O: O50 (name-target-group)
34  O: O48 (identify-contact)
    Achieved new radar info for agent A54
35  O: O52 (no-assignment)
    No interceptor assigned to A51 yet.
36  O: O53 (broadcast-control)
Reporting position on A51 because of unassigned-new-contact
                                          Starting Up Brash Dialogue
37                                         O: O55 (start-up-dialogue)
38                                         S: S31 (operator no-change)
39                                         S: S32 (state no-change)
40                                         O: O54 (acquire-turn)
41                                         O: O57 (d-plan-constructor676)
42                                         O: O59 (realize-d-move)
43                                         O: O62 (select-s-obj)
44                                         O: O63 (learn-language)
45                                         S: S38 (operator no-change)
46                                         O: O66 (install-initial-state)
47                                         O: O65 (s-realize2)
48                                         S: S41 (operator no-change)
49                                         O: C146 (realize-by-name)
50                                         O: O68 (access word: 'mark-2')
51                                         O: O69 (u-constructor681)
52                                         S: S44 (state no-change)
53                                         O: O74 (exhausted)
54                                         O: O75 (return-operator)
55                                         O: O65 (s-realize2)
56                                         S: S47 (operator no-change)
57                                         O: N71 (sr-completion)58                                         O: O76 (say-word)
                          saying mark-2 on frequency radio-100
59                                         O: O88 (pause)
60                                         O: O61 (realize-d-move)
61                                         O: O91 (select-s-obj)
62                                         O: O63 (learn-language)
63                                         S: S53 (operator no-change)
64                                         O: O66 (install-initial-state)
65                                         O: O96 (s-realize4)
66                                         S: S56 (operator no-change)
67                                         O: C187 (realize-lexically)
68                                         O: O99 (access word: 'is')
69                                         O: O100 (u-constructor690)
70                                         S: S62 (state no-change)
71                                         O: O104 (exhausted)
72                                         O: O105 (return-operator)
73                                         O: O96 (s-realize4)
74                                         S: S68 (operator no-change)
75                                         O: N107 (sr-completion)
76                                         O: O89 (select-s-obj)
77                                         O: O94 (learn-language)
78                                         S: S69 (operator no-change)
79                                         O: O117 (install-initial-state)
80                                         O: O116 (s-realize7)
81                                         S: S72 (operator no-change)
82                                         O: C232 (realize-by-pronoun)
83                                         O: O119 (access word: 'this')
84                                         O: O120 (u-constructor700)
85                                         S: S75 (state no-change)
86                                         O: O124 (exhausted)
87                                         O: O125 (return-operator)
88                                         O: O116 (s-realize7)
90                                         O: N143 (sr-completion)
91                                         O: O129 (u-constructor704)
92                                         S: S79 (operator tie)
93                                         O: O90 (select-s-obj)
94 O: O146 (change-barcap)  ;; ignore this (this is what tells
                               lead to change its mission

95                                         O: O92 (learn-language)
96                                         S: S80 (operator no-change)
97                                         O: O155 (install-initial-state)
98                                         O: O154 (s-realize9)
99                                         S: S83 (operator no-change)
100                                        O: C269 (realize-by-name)
101                                        O: O157 (access word: 'mark-1')
102                                        O: O159 (u-constructor681)
103                                        S: S86 (state no-change)
104                                        O: O163 (exhausted)
105                                        O: O164 (return-operator)
106                                        O: O154 (s-realize9)
107                                        S: S89 (operator no-change)
108                                        O: N179 (sr-completion)
109                                        O: O167 (say-word)
                         saying this on frequency radio-100
110                                        O: O178 (message-acknowledged)
111                                        O: O182 (say-word)
                         saying is on frequency radio-100
112                                        O: O185 (say-word)
                         saying mark-1 on frequency radio-100
                         saying # on frequency radio-100
113                                        O: O191 (pause)
113                                        O: O191 (pause)