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Player Type


Players behave in identifiable, distinct ways. Because of this, they play distinct roles in connections. For example, a procedure call connection requires two players that each play a different role. One plays the role of caller, and the other plays the role of definer. These distinct behaviors separate players into categories, or types. A player type captures the semantics of a player's behavior and specifies the kinds of roles a player can play in connections.

Every player definition has a type. In UniCon, there are fourteen pre-defined player types. The specification of the type appears immediately following the keyword IS in a UniCon player definition.


The following is the syntax for specifying a player type:

  <player_type> :== 
    | GlobalDataUse
    | PLBundle
    | ReadFile
    | ReadNext
    | RoutineCall
    | RoutineDef
    | RPCCall
    | RPCDef
    | RTLoad
    | StreamIn
    | StreamOut
    | WriteFile
    | WriteNext

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Author: Gregory Zelesnik

Last Modified: May 12, 1996