05-830, User Interface Software, Spring,
Lecture 3, January 24, 2000
Copyright © 2000 - Brad Myers
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1) Invisible
2) Minimal training requirements (easy to learn)
3) High transfer of training (easy to remember)
4) Predictability
5) Few errors
6) Easy to recover from errors
7) People perform real tasks well (efficient to use)
8) It is flexible
9) It is intelligent
10) People like it (subjectively pleasing)
11) ... and many others
Your best guess is not good enough
The user is always right
The user is not always right
Users are not designers
Designers are not users
Vice presidents are not users
Less is more
Details matter
Help doesn't
Usability engineering is a process
1) Things that look different should act different.
2) If it is not needed, it's not needed.
3) The information for the decision needs to be there when the decision is
4) The user should control the system. The system shouldn't control the user.
The user is the boss, and the system should show it.
5) The idea is to empower the user, not speed up the system.
6) Don't overload the user's buffers.
7) Keep it simple.
8) Things that look the same should act the same.
9) The user should be able to do what the user wants to do.
10) Every action should have a reaction.
11) Everything in its place, and a place for everything.
12) Let people shape the system to themselves, and paint it with their own
13) Error messages should actually mean something to the user, and tell the
user how to fix the problem.
14) The best journey is the one with the fewest steps. Shorten the distance
between the user and their goal.
15) Everyone makes mistakes, so every mistake should be fixable.
16) The more you do something, the easier it should be to do.
17) Cute is not a good adjective for systems.
18) Keep it neat. Keep it organized.
19) Consistency, consistency, consistency.
20) The user should always know what is happening.
21) Minimize the need for a mighty memory.
22) Know they user, and YOU are not thy user.
23) If I made an error, at least let me finish my thought before I have to
fix it.
24) Design for regular people and the real world.
25) Eliminate unnecessary decisions, and illuminate the rest.
26) You should always know how to find out what to do next.
27) If I made an error, let me know about it before I get into REAL trouble.
28) Even experts are novices at some point. Provide help.
29) Provide a way to bail out and start over.
30) Don't let people accidentally shoot themselves.
31) Color is information.
32) The user should be in a good mood when done.
33) The fault is not in thyself, but in thy system.
34) To know the system is to love it.
35) Deliver a model and stick to it.
36) Follow platform conventions.
37) Make it hard for people to make errors.
38) The system status (i.e., what's going on should always be visible.
39) Accommodate individual differences among users through automatic adaptation
or user tailoring of the interface.
40) Make it easy for a beginner to become an expert.
41) No you can't just explain it in the manual.
42) Provide user documentation that is easy to search, focused on the user's
task, lists concrete steps to be carried out, and is not too large.
43) The system should speak the users' language, following real-world
44) Instructions for use of a system should be visible or easily retrievable.
45) What does marketing think it wants? Ok, now how do we show them they're
46) What does management think it wants? Ok, now how do we show them they're
47) Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
48) Users don't know what they want, and users can't always say what they
49) Roll the videotape.
50) Common sense is an uncommon commodity.
51) Make objects, actions, and options visible.
52) Data drives good design.
53) Help users develop a conceptual representation of the structure of the
54) Minimize the amount of information a user must maintain in short-term
55) It's a jungle. Be careful out there.
56) People should not have to remember information across a dialogue.
57) Make it impossible to make errors that will get the user into REAL trouble.
58) Dialogues should not contain information that is irrelevant or rarely
59) Testing, testing, testing.
60) Keep the user mental workload within acceptable limits.
61) Minimize the amount of information recoding that is necessary.
62) Minimize the difference in dialogue both within and across interfaces.
63) An ounce of good design is worth a pound of technical support.
64) Provide the user with feedback and error-correction capabilities.
65) So how is this better than what the competition is doing?
66) Provide good error messages that are expressed in plain language, precisely
indicate the probem, and constructively suggest a solution.
67) Whadya mean, they're not all computer scientists?
68) Support undo and redo.
69) Different words, situations, or actions should result in different things
70) The best user interface is one the user doesn't notice.
Use Iterative design
Involve the user in the design team
Give the user a mental model of the system
Not just a bunch of ad-hoc features
Related to consistency
Visual cues can help = "affordances"
Good Graphic Design and Color Choice
Appropriately direct attention
Group related objects (alignment, decorations)
Balance and white space
Maintain display inertia
Few fonts and colors (5 to 7 colors)
appropriate contrast
some people are color blind (8% of males)
Less is More ("keep it simple")
If complex to explain/document - redesign
Concise language
Avoid extraneous pictures and information
Fewer options and menu choices
reduces planning time
reduces manual size, etc.
E.g. in XXX product: "Show Cartouche", "swap"
Speak the User's Language
Use common words, not "techno-jargon"
Error messages and feedback refer to user objects
Allow full-length names
E.g. "Hit any key to continue"
Use appropriate Mappings and Metaphors
Task analysis to understand user's domain
Metaphors can help or hurt
Minimize User Memory Load
Short-term memory = 7 +/- 2 items; 30 sec to 2 min
Recognize, not recall (generate)
Menus rather than type-in (but short enough)
Prompts provide format
Don't require retyping of remembered information
Pervasive, generic rules (cut/paste)
E.g. in Aegis, remembering altitude
Be consistent
Same command always have the same effect
Locations for information, names of commands
Size, location, color, wording, function, sequencing, ...
Following standards helps
Seems easy, but often not followed. e.g. in XXX
naming "F#1.C#1" vs. "F#1", "C#1"
line-style, fonts & color dialog boxes work differently for getting the
current value
consistent with industry standards: e.g., Copy
prefix vs. postfix: "delete" vs. "moving object"
Macintosh: deleting files vs. disks
But not always (Grudin, CACM, Oct 89, pp. 1164-1173)
default menu option
"Print" applied to a folder
Provide appropriate feedback
About what system is doing, and how input is being interpreted. "articulory"
and "semantic"
Response time:
0.1 sec for articulory
up to about 4 sec for an operation
Percent-done progress bars
E.g. in XXX product:
"really ungroup?" -- loses associated behavior
Clearly marked Exits
Cancel buttons
Make all user actions easily reversible (undo)
Users (even experts) will make errors
E.g. in XXX product,
no way to get out of editing a text field
Prevent errors
Selection rather than entry
Remove or grey-out illegal choices
Good error messages
Help users when they are in trouble
Opportunities for users to learn about the system
Clear language; no codes
Be precise. Not "syntax error"
Constructively help the user solve the problem?(tell why the error happened
and how to fix it)
Be polite and not accusing; positive wording:
Blame the system, not the user
"Unrecognized" vs. "illegal" command
No humor or snide comments
Easy error recovery
E.g. in CMU CL: "segvhandler: No mapping fault: 0x00e80000"
E.g. in XXX product, "can't save file" -- why not?
E.g. in YYY product, "SID: Failed MAC check on message"
Provide Shortcuts
For experienced users
Command keys, macros, styles, recent files (Boomerang)
Minimize modes
Definition: same user action has different results
Make unavoidable modes visible
E.g. in XXX product, fillet uses invisible mode
E.g. Typing "daytime" to a mail program
Help the user get started with the system
No more than 1 simple overview screen to get started doing real work
Use cognitive directness
Minimize mental transformations
^C rather than ESC-F7 for "Copy"
Accommodate individual differences
Novice and expert
Handicapped users
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