Jiawen Su's Home Page
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Ph.D. candidate of Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
Personal Information
- Master of Science, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, May 1995
- Master of Engineering, Institute of Software
, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 1993 (
During my three years at Chinese Academy of Sciences, I also spent one and half
years at National Research Center for
Intelligent Computing Systems on Dawn massively-parallel computer project)
- B.S., Department of Computer Science, Nanji
ng University, June 1990
Research Areas
Recent Publications (Under Construction)
Past Research Trials
: (412) 268-3621
- Home:
: (412) 681-4188 - Email:
- sjw@cs.cmu.edu
Last updated on 15 January 1996 by sjw@cs.cmu.edu