Q: How do I install my own perl5 modules A: To install your own Perl5 modules, first create some area to install into, like /myperl/lib. If this is in AFS and you want to install for multiple arches, you'll have to do the normal @sys madness. You can then set the PERLLIB and/or PERL5LIB environment vars to look in that area; for example setenv PERLLIB /myperl/lib You probably want to add this to your ~/.login file. Now, you can build the modules. I like using the interactive cpan tool since (1) it compares installed modules to those at CPAN, (2) warns you about a module's dependencies on other modules, (3) does the downloading and unpacking for you, (4) generally makes things easier (once you get it set up). To run this interactive CPAN shell, do perl5 -MCPAN -e shell See the CPAN(3) man page for the details and options. The first time you run it, it will ask you a series of questions and look for tools it needs (gzip, tar, ...). It will ask you for your nearest CPAN site; there is one that is geographically close (somewhere in PA), but the network between there and CMU wasn't the greatest when I first set things up, so I use ftp://uiarchive.uiuc.edu/pub/lang/perl/CPAN/ It will save this data in ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm Before you can build and install the modules, you'll need to edit the ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm file to tell CPAN to install the modules into your area (otherwise, it tries to install into the main perl5 area which you probably don't have write access to). You'll need to edit the flags that get passed to ``make install'' (this is the make_install_arg variable). Set it to something like: 'make_install_arg' => join(" ", " INSTALLSCRIPT=/myperl/bin", " INSTALLBIN=/myperl/bin", " INSTALLPRIVLIB=/myperl/lib", " INSTALLARCHLIB=/myperl/lib", " INSTALLSITELIB=/myperl/lib", "INSTALLSITEARCH=/myperl/lib", " INSTALLMAN1DIR=/myperl/man/man1", " INSTALLMAN3DIR=/myperl/man/man3", ), Change the ``/myperl'' part to the directory where you want to install the modules and make sure the PERLLIB environment variable includes that directory. (If you plan to do this for multiple platforms, you'll need to do the normal @sys stuff for the values of the INSTALLBIN, INSTALLARCHLIB, and INSTALLSITEARCH variables). You're welcome to look at /afs/cs/user/mthomas/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm, but I will warn you it is pretty hairy since I want to use the same MyConfig.pm file on different machines to install into different areas (the CPAN collection versus the Perl/Tk collection versus my personal collection) and I want the sources in AFS but my build area on the local disk. Once CPAN is set up, you can use the commands m /patt/ to search for modules by the regexp `patt' module to ask about the module readme to download and display module 's README file--this is not always helpful since the module's author writes this make to download and build module test to run 's tests (implies make) install to install the module (implies test) force install to force an install despite errors See the man page for the details.