[OpenAFS] AFS documentation update
ted creedon
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 08:48:11 -0800
LaTex is is.
WSYWIG breaks on large documents, expecially if pictures are inserted.
I have all the initial pdf's in Latex but they need cleaning up.
Since I'm travelling to remote Alaska for a month, I'll have time to
separate the chapters into individual files, and generally set up and clean
I'll be on a 14.4 line so you may not get responses, in fact I usually sign
off from the afs mailer.
It's snowing in the mountains here in Anchorage.
-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-info-admin@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-admin@openafs.org]
On Behalf Of Lee Damon
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 7:37 AM
To: ted creedon
Cc: openafs-info@openafs.org
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS] AFS documentation update
> Considerable progress has been made converting all the IBM docs into
> both Word and Tex.
> Does anyone have a preference?
Those of us who ban the use of proprietary document standards like word's
would most likely prefer the more open and universally-available TeX format.
I know that documents in word's format are discarded as unusable here.
If, on the other hand, you are only documenting the windows port of AFS,
then word might make sense.
Thanks to (all the?) people who are working on this project. It sure will
be nice to have (readable) updated documentation.
----------- - Lee "nomad" Damon - \
work: nomad@ee.washington.edu \
play: nomad@castle.org or castle!nomad \
Sr. Systems Admin, UWEE SSLI Lab / \
"Celebrate Diversity" / \
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