Scott Dietzen is a three-time successful entrepreneur with WebLogic, Zimbra, and Transarc. Most recently, he was President and CTO of Zimbra, a vendor of open source messaging and collaboration software. Zimbra (now part of VMware) was a pioneer of the Web 2.0 and Open Core paradigms. Zimbra was originally acquired by Yahoo!, where Dietzen served as interim SVP of Communications and Communities. Prior to Zimbra, Dietzen was CTO of BEA Systems, where he helped craft the technology and business strategy for WebLogic that drove BEA from $61m in annual revenues prior to the WebLogic acquisition to over $1B.
Dietzen came to BEA in 1998 via the acquisition of WebLogic, an innovator in Java and web application server technology. Prior to WebLogic, Dietzen was Principal Technologist of Transarc (acquired by IBM), a developer of distributed transaction and file sharing systems. He also currently serves on the board of big-data trailblazer Cloudera. He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.