A priority queue is a collection of key-value pairs which prioritizes access
to its minimum key. The key type is ordered and fixed by the
substructure while the value type
is polymorphic.
structure Key : ORDKEY
type 'a t
type 'a pq = 'a t
val empty : unit → 'a pq
val singleton : (Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
val fromList : (Key.t * 'a) list → 'a pq
val size : 'a pq → int
val findMin : 'a pq → (Key.t * 'a) option
val insert : 'a pq * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
val deleteMin : 'a pq → (Key.t * 'a) option * 'a pq
val meld : 'a pq * 'a pq → 'a pq
val $ : (Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
val % : (Key.t * 'a) list → 'a pq
structure Key : ORDKEY
substructure defines the key type of
priority queues, providing comparison and other useful functions.
type 'a t
type 'a pq = 'a t
'a t
, for readability.
val empty :
unit → 'a pq
val singleton :
(Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
(singleton (k, v))
evaluates to the priority queue containing
only the pair $(k, v)$.
val fromList :
(Key.t * 'a) list → 'a pq
val size :
'a pq → int
val findMin :
'a pq → (Key.t * 'a) option
if the queue is empty.
If there are multiple minimum keys, then any one of them might
be chosen.
val insert :
'a pq * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
val deleteMin :
'a pq → (Key.t * 'a) option * 'a pq
(deleteMin q)
evaluates to $(x, q')$ where $x$ is the minimum
key (paired with its associated value) in $q$, and
$q'$ is the priority queue which contains all elements of $q$ except for
$x$. If there are multiple minimum keys in $q$, then any one of them might
be chosen. If $q$ is empty, then $x$ = NONE
and $q' = q$.
val meld :
'a pq * 'a pq → 'a pq
(meld (x, y))
evalautes to the
priority queue which contains all key-value pairs from both $x$ and $y$.
val $ :
(Key.t * 'a) → 'a pq
val % :
(Key.t * 'a) list → 'a pq