signatureThe SET
interface specifies an unordered collection of items.
Sets do not contain duplicates, and are not polymorphic:
the type of their elements is given by the Key substructure.
We use a number of notational conventions which can be seen here. For example, we write $|x|$ for the number of elements in a set $x$, and the empty set is denoted either $\{\}$ or $\emptyset$.
structure Key : EQKEY
structure Seq : SEQUENCE
type t
type set = t
val size : set → int
val toString : set → string
val toSeq : set → Key.t Seq.t
val empty : unit → set
val singleton : Key.t → set
val fromSeq : Key.t Seq.t → set
val find : set → Key.t → bool
val insert : set * Key.t → set
val delete : set * Key.t → set
val filterKey : (Key.t → bool) → set → set
val reduceKey : (Key.t * Key.t → Key.t) → Key.t → set → Key.t
val iterateKey : ('a * Key.t → 'a) → 'a → set → 'a
val union : set * set → set
val intersection : set * set → set
val difference : set * set → set
val $ : Key.t → set
structure Key : EQKEY
substructure defines the type of
elements in a set, which may be compared for equality.
structure Seq :
substructure defines the underlying
sequence type, so that we may convert sets to and from sequences.type t
type set = t
is for readability in the signature.val size :
set → int
size x
evaluates to $|x|$,
the number of elements in the set $x$.val toString :
set → string
val toSeq :
set → Key.t Seq.t
val empty :
unit → set
val singleton :
Key.t → set
val fromSeq :
Key.t Seq.t → set
val find :
set → Key.t → bool
find x k
returns whether or not $k$ is a member of
the set $x$.
val insert :
set * Key.t → set
insert (x, k)
evaluates to the set $x \cup \{k\}$.
val delete :
set * Key.t → set
delete (x, k)
evaluates to the set $x \setminus \{k\}$.
val filterKey :
(Key.t → bool) → set → set
filterKey p x
evaluates to the subset of $x$ containing
every key $k$ which satisfies $p(k)$.
val reduceKey :
(Key.t * Key.t → Key.t) → Key.t → set → Key.t
reduceKey f b x
is logically equivalent to
Seq.reduce f b (toSeq x)
val iterateKey :
('a * Key.t → 'a) → 'a → set → 'a
iterateKey f b x
is logically equivalent to
Seq.iterate f b (toSeq x)
val union :
set * set → set
union (x, y)
evaluates to the set $x \cup y$.val intersection :
set * set → set
intersection (x, y)
evaluates to the set $x \cap y$.val difference :
set * set → set
difference (x, y)
evaluates to the set
$x \setminus y$.val $ :
Key.t → set