interface specifies a mapping from keys to values,
written as $\{k_1 \mapsto v_1, k_2 \mapsto v_2, \dots \}$.
except for the following:
substructure now ascribes to
substructure now ascribes to
, join
, and getRange
function now specifies that it returns keys in sorted order.structure Key : ORDKEY
structure Seq : SEQUENCE
type 'a t
type 'a table = 'a t
exception Order
structure Set : ORDSET where Key = Key and Seq = Seq
val size : 'a table → int
val domain : 'a table → Set.t
val range : 'a table → 'a Seq.t
val toString : ('a → string) → 'a table → string
val toSeq : 'a table → (Key.t * 'a) Seq.t
val find : 'a table → Key.t → 'a option
val insert : 'a table * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
val insertWith : ('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a table * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
val delete : 'a table * Key.t → 'a table
val empty : unit → 'a table
val singleton : Key.t * 'a → 'a table
val tabulate : (Key.t → 'a) → Set.t → 'a table
val collect : (Key.t * 'a) Seq.t → 'a Seq.t table
val fromSeq : (Key.t * 'a) Seq.t → 'a table
val map : ('a → 'b) → 'a table → 'b table
val mapKey : (Key.t * 'a → 'b) → 'a table → 'b table
val filter : ('a → bool) → 'a table → 'a table
val filterKey : (Key.t * 'a → bool) → 'a table → 'a table
val reduce : ('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a → 'a table → 'a
val iterate : ('b * 'a → 'b) → 'b → 'a table → 'b
val iteratePrefixes : ('b * 'a → 'b) → 'b → 'a table → ('b table * 'b)
val union : ('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a table * 'a table → 'a table
val intersection : ('a * 'b → 'c) → 'a table * 'b table → 'c table
val difference : 'a table * 'b table → 'a table
val restrict : 'a table * Set.t → 'a table
val subtract : 'a table * Set.t → 'a table
val $ : (Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
val first : 'a table → (Key.t * 'a) option
val last : 'a table → (Key.t * 'a) option
val prev : 'a table * Key.t → (Key.t * 'a) option
val next : 'a table * Key.t → (Key.t * 'a) option
val split : 'a table * Key.t → 'a table * 'a option * 'a table
val join : 'a table * 'a table → 'a table
val getRange : 'a table → Key.t * Key.t → 'a table
val rank : 'a table * Key.t → int
val select : 'a table * int → (Key.t * 'a) option
val splitRank : 'a table * int → 'a table * 'a table
structure Key :
substructure defines the key type of
tables, which are totally ordered according to the provided comparison function.
structure Seq :
substructure defines the underlying sequence type, so that
we may convert tables to and from sequences.
structure Set :
ORDSET where Key = Key and Seq = Seq
substructure contains operations on
sets with elements of type Key.t
type 'a t
type 'a table =
'a t
The type table
is for readability in the signature.
exception Order
is raised when the ordering invariant would be violated.val size :
'a table → int
val domain :
'a table → Set.t
val range :
'a table → 'a Seq.t
val toString :
('a → string) → 'a table → string
toString f t
returns a string representation of $t$. Each key is converted to a string
via Key.toString
and each value is converted via $f$.
val toSeq :
'a table → (Key.t * 'a) Seq.t
val find :
'a table → Key.t → 'a option
find t k
returns (SOME
$v$) if
$(k \mapsto v) \in t$, and NONE
val insert :
'a table * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
insert (t, (k, v))
returns the table
$t \cup \{(k \mapsto v)\}$. If $k$ is already in $t$,
then the new value $v$ is given precedence. It is logically equivalent to
insertWith (fn (_, v) => v) (t, (k,v))
val insertWith :
('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a table * (Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
insertWith f (t, (k, v))
returns the table
$t \cup \{(k \mapsto v)\}$ if $k$ is not already a member of $t$, and
otherwise it returns $t \cup \{(k \mapsto f (v', v))\}$ where
$(k \mapsto v')$ is already in $t$.
val delete :
'a table * Key.t → 'a table
delete (t, k)
removes the key $k$ from $t$
only if $k$ is a member of $t$.
That is, if $(k \mapsto v) \in t$ then it returns $t \setminus \{(k \mapsto v)\}$,
otherwise it returns $t$.
val empty :
unit → 'a table
val singleton :
Key.t * 'a → 'a table
singleton (k, v)
constructs the singleton table
$\{(k \mapsto v)\}$.
val tabulate :
(Key.t → 'a) → Set.t → 'a table
tabulate f s
evaluates to the table
$\{ (k \mapsto f(k)) : k \in s \}$.
val collect :
(Key.t * 'a) Seq.t → 'a Seq.t table
collect s
takes a sequence of key-value pairs
and produces a table where each unique key $k$ is paired with
$\langle v : (k', v) \in s | k' = k \rangle$.
val fromSeq :
(Key.t * 'a) Seq.t → 'a table
val map :
('a → 'b) → 'a table → 'b table
map f t
returns the table
$\{ (k \mapsto f(v)) : (k \mapsto v) \in t \}$.
val mapKey :
(Key.t * 'a → 'b) → 'a table → 'b table
mapKey f t
returns the table
$\{ (k \mapsto f(k, v)) : (k \mapsto v) \in t \}$.
val filter :
('a → bool) → 'a table → 'a table
filter p t
produces a table containing all
$(k \mapsto v) \in t$ which satisfies $p(v)$.
val filterKey :
(Key.t * 'a → bool) → 'a table → 'a table
filterKey p t
returns the table containing every
$(k \mapsto v) \in t$ which satisfies $p(k, v)$.
val reduce :
('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a → 'a table → 'a
reduce f b t
is logically equivalent to
Seq.reduce f b (range t)
val iterate :
('b * 'a → 'b) → 'b → 'a table → 'b
iterate f b t
is logically equivalent to
Seq.iterate f b (range t)
val iteratePrefixes :
('b * 'a → 'b) → 'b → 'a table → ('b table * 'b)
iteratePrefixes f b t
is logically equivalent to
(fromSeq p, x)
$(p, x)$ = Seq.iteratePrefixes f b (range t)
val union :
('a * 'a → 'a) → 'a table * 'a table → 'a table
union f (a, b)
evaluates to $a \cup b$. For keys $k$ where
$(k \mapsto v) \in a$ and $(k \mapsto w) \in b$, we have
$(k \mapsto f (v, w))$ in the resulting table.
val intersection :
('a * 'b → 'c) → 'a table * 'b table → 'c table
intersection f (a, b)
evaluates to the table $a \cap b$.
Every intersecting key $k$ is mapped to $f (v, w)$, where
$(k \mapsto v) \in a$ and $(k \mapsto w) \in b$.
val difference :
'a table * 'b table → 'a table
difference (a, b)
evaluates to the table $a \setminus b$.
val restrict :
'a table * Set.t → 'a table
returns the table of $\{ (k \mapsto v) \in t | k \in s \}$.
It is therefore essentially an intersection.
The name is motivated by the notion of restricting a function to a smaller domain,
where we interpret a table as a function.
val subtract :
'a table * Set.t → 'a table
returns the table of $\{ (k \mapsto v) \in t | k \notin s \}$.
The name is motivated by the notion of a domain subtraction on a function.
val $ :
(Key.t * 'a) → 'a table
val first :
'a table → (Key.t * 'a) option
if the table is empty.
val last :
'a table → (Key.t * 'a) option
if the table is empty.
val prev :
'a table * Key.t → (Key.t * 'a) option
prev (t, k)
returns the largest key (together with its
associated value) in $t$ which is strictly less than $k$,
if there is no such key.
val next :
'a table * Key.t → (Key.t * 'a) option
next (t, k)
evaluates to the smallest key (together with its
associated value) in $t$ which is strictly greater than $k$,
if there is no such key.
val split :
'a table * Key.t → 'a table * 'a option * 'a table
split (t, k)
evaluates to $(l, v, r)$, where $l$ consists of all key-value
pairs with keys strictly smaller than $k$, $r$ consists of all key-value pairs
with keys strictly greater than $k$, and $v$ is $k$'s associated value in $t$
(or NONE
if $k$ is not present in $t$).
val join :
'a table * 'a table → 'a table
(join (a, b))
evaluates to $a \cup b$.
Otherwise, it raises Order
val getRange :
'a table → Key.t * Key.t → 'a table
getRange t (x, y)
evaluates to
$\{ (k \mapsto v) \in t\ |\ x \leq k \leq y \}$.
val rank :
'a table * Key.t → int
rank (t, k)
evaluates to the number of keys in $t$
which are strictly smaller than $k$.
val select :
'a table * int → (Key.t * 'a) option
select (t, i)
evaluates to the $i^\text{th}$ smallest
key (together with its associated value) in $t$, or NONE
either $i < 0$ or $i \geq |t|$.
val splitRank :
'a table * int → 'a table * 'a table
splitRank (t, i)
evaluates to $(l, r)$, where $l$ consists of the $i$
smallest keys of $t$, and $r$ is the set of the $|t| - i$ largest keys of $t$.
Raises Fail
if $i < 0$ or $i \geq |t|$.