Eric Carraux |
I'm currently a software engineer for the Lernout & Haupie Speech company. I'm currently involved for the Corporate Research & Development department, Interactive Systems Division.
My work has focused so far on design and evaluation of
user interfaces (UI), in particular UI that support multiple interaction
modalities such as speech and direct manipulation. My educational background
lies in software engineering. In this page you will find more about my:
Education |
Cognitive Science Master Degree (1995-1996)
At Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France).
Main classes: Cognitive psychology, neurophysiology and artificial
Specialization: Human-computer oral dialog, mental representation
of information. |
Software Engineering Master Degree (1994-1995)
At Joseph Fourier University
(Grenoble, France)
Main classes: Software Quality, Object Oriented Design and project management.
Specialization: human-computer interface design. |
Computer Science Degree (1992-1994)
At Joseph Fourier University
(Grenoble, France).
Main classes: Mathematics for computer science, computer systems and networks.
Specialization: Compilation techniques. |
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Experiences |
Software engineer
Interactive Systems., January 2000 - now
Company: Lernout & Hauspie.
Task: More to come...
Research engineer
September 1998 - January 2000.
Host and group: Pr. Waibel,
A. Human-Computer
Interaction Institute.
Project CStar-II: consortium of 20 partners and affiliate organizations from 10 countries dealing with speech-to-speech translation. Work at Carnegie Mellon within a team of a dozen of people. Design & development of the Cstar's shared web applications, which feature collaborative navigation, work and video over the web. Integration of those applications with the Janus speech recognizer, the Npen handwriting (and drawing) recognizer. Setup & administration of video conferencing systems, an IP over ISDN private network and the Cstar's web page database.
Research assistant
October 1997 - September 98.
Host and group: Pr. Coutaz,
J. Human-Computer Interaction Group.
Project: Design and development of a 10-15 users Mediaspace.
The prototype allows users to perform the following communication tasks:
glance at someone, tele-visit a location, V-phone with someone while moving
around in the office using a video tracking system, and publish private
state variable through publication filters. Users are also able to control
the system using speech. |
Software developer
Paris, December 1996 - September 1997.
Host: Military service, French army.
Service: Implementation of a managing tool for vehicules
maintenance and reparation. The software has been developed with ACCESS
2 on three PC/Windows. |
Cognitives science Master study
CLIPS-IMAG, October 1995 - July
Hosts and groups: Pr. Coutaz,
J., Human-Computer Interaction Group;
CNRS Director Caelen, J. GEOD
Group ; Pr. Bisseret, A. INRIA.
Study: Feasibility study and design of an automatic tool
for the evaluation of multi-modal and multi-user human-computer interfaces. |
Software Engineering Master project
CLIPS-IMAG, October 1994 - September
Host and group: Pr. Coutaz,
J., Human-Computer Interaction Group.
Project: COMEDI in association with the CNET
UI and software design of a multiservice telecommunication terminal.
Design and implementation of a tool dedicated to ergonomic evaluation of
this terminal. The software has been developed in C for the functional
core and Hypercard for the UI on Apple Quadra. |
Computer Science training
Laboratoire de Genie Informatique de Grenoble, September 1993 - September
Project: CARMINAT for Renault
Software testing of a UIMS that generates user interfaces to be embedded
in cars. The software has been developed in C/C++ on Sun workstation. |
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& research
activities |
In reverse chronological order
ACM/SIGCHI Human Factors in computing systems
Coutaz, J. Bérard, F. Carraux, E. Crowley, J. (1999) CoMedi: Using
Computer Vision to Support Awareness and Privacy in Mediaspaces. In
proc. CHI'99.
IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction
Coutaz, J. Bérard, F. Carraux, E. Crowley, J. (1998) Early
experience with the mediapsace CoMedi in proc. IFIP'98.
[ .ps.gz, 776 Kb]
[ .pdf, 500 Kb] |
Afect/SELE/IDLS Ergonomie et informatique avancée
Aublet Cuverlier, L. Carraux, E. Coutaz, J. Nigay, L. Portolan, P.
Salber, D. Zanello, M.L. (1996) NEIMO, un laboratoire d'utilisabilité
numérique : Leçons de l'expérience. In proc. Ergo.IA'96.
[ .ps.gz,
5053 Kb] |
ACM/SIGCHI Human Factors in computing systems
Coutaz, J. Salber, D. Carraux, E.(1996) NEIMO, a multiworkstation
Usability Lab for Observing and Analysing Multimodal Interaction. In
proc. CHI'96.
[ .ps.gz,
149 Kb] |
Committee member of the french conference IHM'96 |
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to... |
Last modification on January the 14th, 2000 by Eric.Carraux.