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Powering Catoms with Magnetic Resonant Coupling

Resonant Power for two nodes
As a potential means for providing power to catoms without using electrical connections, we have experimentally demonstrated wireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is in a system with a large source coil and either one or two small receivers. Resonance between source and load coils is achieved with lumped capacitors terminating the coils.

Model and Experiment for Resonant Coupling
We have developed a circuit model to describe the system with a single receiver, and extended it to describe the system with two receivers. With parameter values chosen to obtain good fits, the circuit models yield transfer frequency responses that are in good agreement with experimental measurements over a range of frequencies that span the resonance. Resonant frequency splitting is observed experimentally and described theoretically for the multiple receiver system.

In the single receiver system at resonance, more than 50% of the power that is supplied by the actual source is delivered to the load. In a multiple receiver system, a means for tracking frequency shifts and continuously retuning the lumped capacitances that terminate each receiver coil so as to maximize efficiency is a key issue for future work.

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