Analysis of Algorithms: Project 1

Deadline: February 9

The purpose of the first project is to help you learn basic operations on PGM images. The task is to implement a program that inputs the name of a PGM file, loads it from the disk, and then computes the minimal, maximal, and average pixel value for this file. After the program completes the computation, it must explicitly free the memory taken by the image. Note that you need to use some of the basic functions for loading images into memory. The output of your program should look as follows:
minimum = 15 (darkest pixel)
maximum = 240 (lightest pixel)
average = 67 (mean of pixels)

Download the following four images and use them to test your program. To download an image, point the mouse, click the right button, and then select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" in the resulting menu.
 space.pgm Spiral and elliptical galaxies by the Hubble Telescope.
 blocks.pgm Wooden blocks on a dark background.
 stlouis.pgm Picture of St. Louis by a spaceborne imaging radar.
 mgram.pgm Reduced-resolution copy of a mammogram.

Answer the following questions in your report:

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