15-411 Compiler Design

Fall 2008
Frank Pfenning
Lecture, TuTh 1:30-2:50, PH 226B (note room change)
12 units

This course covers the design and implementation of compiler and runtime systems for high-level languages, and examines the interaction between language design, compiler design, and runtime organization. Topics covered include lexical and syntactic analysis, handling of user-defined types and type-checking, context analysis, code generation and optimization, and memory management and runtime organization.

Prerequisites: 15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems

What's New?

  • Nothing. The course is over.

Course Material

Schedule Lecture schedule, slides, readings, and code
Labs & Assignments Details of assignments, due dates, and policies
Lab Machines Instructions for using the lab machines
Resources Additional course resources

Course Information

Lectures TuTh 1:30-2:50, PH 226B
Textbook Andrew W. Appel
Modern Compiler Implementation in ML
Cambridge University Press, 1998
ISBN 0-521-60764-7 (paperback)
Credit 12 units
Grading 70% Labs, 30% Written assignments
Labs There are 6 labs worth a total of 700 points
Labs can be done individually or in pairs
Assignments There are 5 written assignments worth a total of 300 points
Written assignments must be done individually
Exams There will be no midterm or final exams for this class
Home http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15411-f08/
Blackboard http://www.cmu.edu/blackboard/
Used only for announcements, discussion board, and tracking of grades
Newsgroup academic.cs.15-411


  Frank Pfenning
Contact fp@cs or x8-6343
Office Wean Hall 8117
Office Hours Wed 2:00-3:00

Teaching Assistants

  Contact Office Hours
Rob Arnold rdarnold@andrew Mon 4:00-5:00
8th Floor Couches
Eugene Marinelli emarinel@andrew Fri 2:00-3:00
WeH 5205 (Linux Cluster)

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Frank Pfenning