Lunar Rover Initiative Design Home Page

The design group is chartered with configuring, and designing a rover which can travel a 1000km, returning live-panaromic video, and last for two years. In addition, to these unprecedented robotic capabilities, the Lunar environment poses a primary challenge to the rover designers Currently, night operations and two rovers are being considered. The intended transport vehicle is an International Space Enterprises (phobos class) lander atop a Proton launcher capable of delivering approximately 17,000kg into low Earth orbit. The design team has been developing its knowledge and ideas through a series of reviewed designs. These previous designs provide the background from which the final configuration will be chosen. The design activity is split into three task forces:

The design of the rover is now in its final configuration stages, and a preliminary design review is expected by fiscal year end. For the technically inclined, technology list gives a glimpse of the primary challenges and the possible solutions.

Lunar Rover Initiative - (last updated in March 1995)
Comments? Suggestions? Requests? Please send e-mail to!