Stable Pushing Papers
S. Akella, W. Huang, K. M. Lynch, and M. T. Mason.
Planar manipulation on a conveyor with a one joint robot.
1995 International Symposium on Robotics Research.
abstract, postscript (1691 K)
K. M. Lynch.
The mechanics of fine manipulation by pushing.
1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
pp. 2269-2276.
abstract, postscript
(300 K)
K. M. Lynch and M. T. Mason.
Controllability of pushing.
1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
abstract, postscript (593 K)
K. M. Lynch and M. T. Mason.
Stable pushing: Mechanics, controllability, and planning.
International Journal of Robotics Research, to appear.
abstract, postscript (2214 K)
(An earlier version appeared in the First Workshop on the Algorithmic
Foundations of Robotics, A. K. Peters, Boston, 1995.)
K. M. Lynch.
Locally controllable polygons by stable pushing.
1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
to appear.
postscript (732 K)
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