Luís Caires
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Control of Interference with Spatial-Behavioral Types
A central problem in
concurrent programming is how to discipline programs so that different
threads of control can only interfere in ways that are predictable and
thus easy to reason about. In this talk, we will discuss a type-based
approach for statically enforcing safe concurrency, partially inspired
by spatial and separation logics. Our type system assigns to each
runtime entity (resource) a dynamic spatial-behavioral type, that
specifies how such entity may be safely manipulated by one or more
threads of control. This contrasts with most other approaches, that
focus on identifying structural constraints to the code that
manipulates the resources. We will also show how flexible disciplines
for control of interference, able to deal with expressive imperative
reference-passing higher-order programming languages, such as
object-oriented programming, may be compositionally expressed in the
February 25, 2009
3:30 p.m.
Hall 8220
of Programming Seminars