News Releases
Public Relations Office, School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
. 412/268-3830 - 412/268-5016 (fax)
SCS Academic Programs are under Jeannette's "Wing"
as New Associate Dean
1 November 1999
SCS Honors Cobb, Forsyth and Mazaitis
At Its Annual Staff Recognition Celebration
6 May 1999
SCS's Goldstein and Thrun Receive NSF
Career Development Awards
5 May 1999
Todd Mowry's Sloan Fellowship for Work in Computer
Architectures Rooted in Experience at University's Governor's School for the
15 March 1999
Computer Science Lauds Faculty and Staff
15 March 1999
Virtual Mission to Antarctica Enhances High School Science:
Big Signal Web Site Allows Students to Follow Nomad in its
Search for Meteorites
5 February 1999
Mobile Robots Hustle Through Maze to Win Carnegie
Mellon Robot Programming Contest, Then Beat Human Challengers
10 December 1998
Andrew Moore is First Recipient of the Habermann
Chair in
Computer Science
19 November 1998
SCS Researcher Helps Build Software to Guide Future Spaceships
5 November 1998
Satyanarayanan Receives Simon Award for Teaching
Excellence in Computer Science
29 April 1998
Whittaker Receives Achievement Award, $15,000
Grant from
"Design News"
12 March 1998
Robotics Institute's Asbestos Removal Robot
Places Second in National Design Competition
6 March 1998
$20 Million Construction Project Planned for
School of Computer Science
12 February 1998
"Good Luck, a Good Education and Fortunate Accidents"
Net Schock Prize for Hillman University Professor Dana Scott
7 November 1997
Carnegie Mellon Is Part of a Consortium Building a Robot
To Inspect the Damaged Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station
September 1997
First Recipient of the Newell Chair in
Computer Science
University Memorandum: Office of the President
14 September 1997