On Nash-equilibria of approximation-stable games
Oct 13, 2010
In this work, we define the notion of games that are
approximation-stable, meaning that all $\epsilon$-approximate equilibria
are contained inside a small ball of radius $\delta$ around a true
equilibrium, and investigate a number of their properties. Many natural
small games such as matching pennies and rock-paper-scissors are indeed
approximation stable. We show furthermore that there exist 2-player n-by-n
approximation-stable games in which the Nash equilibrium and all
approximate equilibria have support $\Omega(log n)$. In addition, we also
show that all $(\epsilon,\delta)$ approximation-stable games must have an
$\epsilon$-approximate equilibrium of support
$O(\frac{\delta^{2-o(1)}}{\epsilon^2}log n)$, yielding a faster algorithm
for computing approximate Nash-equilibria, for games which are
This is joint work with Avrim Blum, Nina Balcan, Or Sheffet and Santosh Vempala.
This is joint work with Avrim Blum, Nina Balcan, Or Sheffet and Santosh Vempala.