For general questions/comments, please post on the course Piazza. Only send an email to a specific TA if you have a question that wouldn’t be appropriate to send to the whole course staff.
aluque at andrew
avantikn at andrew
daphneh at andrew
dsunkara at andrew
jdai2 at andrew
jpyang at andrew
ktummala at andrew
kbooker at andrew
ljyao at andrew
lghuang at andrew
linmo at andrew
maggieca at andrew
sarahc2 at andrew
stevenwu at andrew
tcortina at cs
vpeet at andrew
Up-to-date information on office hour times and locations may be found on Google Calendar or the embedded google calendar on the homepage.
The initial version of the course and a significant amount of the current course content was created by Adam Blank in Fall 2011. Later, modifications and additions to the content were made by Josh Zimmerman, who reformatted the original PDFs into web content.
The current version of the site, including the site layout and design as well as further modifications and additions to content, was written by Jake Zimmerman with contributions from the GPI staff.
The source of this site is licensed under the MIT License and is readily available on GitHub. It uses Jekyll and Octopress 3.0 for static site generation and Semantic UI as a general purpose CSS framework. If you enjoyed this site, be sure to star it! If you notice an issue or bug with the site, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
Copyright © 2014, Great Practical Ideas in Computer Science.