[13.1] For each of the following lists, would binary or linear search run faster to find 110?
a) [110, 104, 83, 249, 50]
b) [15, 11, 49, 400, 110, 90, 64]
c) [1, 4, 6, 35, 110, 120, 400, 500]
d) [15, 11, 49, 400, 90, 64]
e) [30, 42, 56, 79, 130, 200]
Solution a): Linear search
Explanation: Linear search starts from the first element, which in this case happens to be 110. Therefore here linear search will immediately return the first element. We can only do binary search on sorted lists, which means binary search is not a valid option for searching through this list.
Solution b): Linear search
Explanation: We can only do binary search on sorted lists, which means binary search is not a valid option for searching through this list.
Solution c): Binary search
Explanation: Here, binary search will be much faster (best case scenario for binary search) since the target element is the middle element of the list and will be found on the first run, giving it an O(1) complexity for this particular case.
Solution d): Linear search
Explanation: We can only do binary search on sorted lists, which means binary search is not a valid option for searching through this list.
Solution e): Binary Search
Explanation: Since this list does not contain 110, if we were to run linear search it would check all the elements in the list and return False at the end, giving it a complexity of O(n). This is the worst case for linear search. Binary search on the other hand will only need to check thrice (79 as the first middle element and 200 as the second and 130 at the end) and then it will return false. This is because binary search halves the search with every check and runs in O(logn), so faster than linear search.
[13.2] Write, in order, the elements checked to find 6 in the following list for both linear and binary search: L = [1,5,6,10,11,12].
Using linear search: We'll check each element one by one until we find it, starting from the first element.
Search Order: 1, 5, 6
Using binary search: We'll repeatedly find the middle element, compare it to the number we are looking for and determine whether the target value is in the first (if target is less than the middle value) or second half (if target is greater than the middle value) of the list, continuing our search in only one half of the list.
Search order: 10, 5, 6
[13.3] Answer the following questions based on the recursive binary search code you have seen in lecture. Write down the original function call and every subsequent recursive call at each step when doing binary search for different targets on the following list:
[0, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 11, 14, 17]
Target: 11
Target: 7
Function Calls for Target 11
binarySearch([0, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 11, 14, 17], 11)
binarySearch([10 11, 14, 17], 11)
binarySearch([10 11], 11)
Function Calls for Target 7
binarySearch([0, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 11, 14, 17], 7)
binarySearch([0, 3, 5, 8], 7)
binarySearch([8], 7)
binarySearch([], 7)
[13.4] What is the Big-O time complexity for binary search? What about linear search?
Binary Search: O(log n)
Searches a sorted list by repeatedly dividing the list in half, resulting in a log runtime.
Linear Search: O(n)
Checks each element in a list until the target value is found, resulting in a linear runtime.
[13.5] What is the worst case for linear search? What about binary search?
Linear Search: The worst-case scenario for linear search happens when the target element is either not in the list or is at the end. It has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the list (it would need to search the whole list).
Binary Search: The worst-case scenario for binary search occurs when the target element is either not in the sorted array or is at one end, and the array cannot be evenly divided. It has a time complexity of O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the sorted array.
[13.6] What is the best case for linear search? What about for binary search?
Linear Search: The best-case scenario for linear search is when the target element is found in the first position of the list. Time complexity would be O(1), constant time.
Binary Search: The best case for binary search is when the target element is the middle element of the list. The time complexity would be O(1), constant time.
[13.7] What is the difference between check-any and check-all patterns as shown below?
def checkAny(lst, target):
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst[i] == target:
return True
return False
def checkAll(lst, target):
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst[i] != target:
return False
return True
Search follows a common pattern for functions that use a loop to return a Boolean.
A check-any pattern returns True if any of the items in the list meet a condition, and False otherwise. Namely, the first time the condition becomes true, we return True immediately, stop the iteration and exist the function. If we never make the if condition True, that means we have iterated over all elements, and we return False in the end.
A check-all pattern returns True if all of the items in the list meet a condition, and False otherwise. Namely, the first time the condition becomes true, we return False immediately, stop the iteration and exist the function. If we never make the if condition True, that means we have iterated over all elements, and we return True in the end.
[13.8] Recall the towers of hanoi problem and code from lecture. What value will the result have?
# Prints instructions to solve Towers of Hanoi and
# returns the number of moves needed to do so.
def moveDiscs(start, tmp, end, discs):
if discs == 1: # 1 disc - move it directly
print("Move one disc from", start, "to", end)
return 1
else: # 2+ discs - move N-1 discs, then 1, then N-1
moves = 0
moves = moves + moveDiscs(start, end, tmp, discs - 1)
moves = moves + moveDiscs(start, tmp, end, 1)
moves = moves + moveDiscs(tmp, start, end, discs - 1)
return moves
result = moveDiscs("left", "middle", "right", 3)
The first call to moveDiscs with discs == 3 enters the recursive case makes three recursive calls:
moveDiscs("left", "right", "middle", 2)
moveDiscs("left", "middle", "right", 1) ← will return 1 as it will hit the base case
moveDiscs("middle", "left", "right", 2)
Each of the discs == 2 calls then triggers further recursive calls until discs == 1, at which point it prints the move and returns 1.
moveDiscs("left", "right", "middle", 2) triggers another set of recursive calls:
moveDiscs("left", "middle", "right", 1) ← will return 1
moveDiscs("middle", "left", "right", 1) ← will return 1
moveDiscs("left", "right", "middle", 1) ← will return 1
Then each moveDiscs("left", "right", "middle", 2) call will return 3, we can trace back to our above code and get the following:
moveDiscs("left", "right", "middle", 2) ← will return 3
moveDiscs("left", "middle", "right", 1) ← will return 1 as it will hit the base case
moveDiscs("middle", "left", "right", 2) ← will return 3
Then we know that moveDiscs("left", "middle", "right", 3) will return 7 (3 + 3 + 1). So the value of result will be 7.
[13.9] Implement linear search with recursion. Return the target if it is found, otherwise return None.
def linearSearch(L, n):
# Base Case: We know that if the list is empty then n cannot be in the list --> return None
if L == []:
return None
# Recursive Case:
# if the first element is the target element, we can simply return the target
if L[0] == n:
return n
# Otherwise we continue to search through the rest of the list recursively
return linearSearch(L[1:], n)
[13.10] Implement binary search with recursion. Return True if target is found otherwise False