CMU 15-112 Summer 2020: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Homework 15 (Due Thu 18-Jun, at 5:00pm)

  1. Create A Website [100pts]
    Like the term project, this assignment is richly collaborative. You may discuss ideas with your classmates, look at each other's code, help each other research, and help each other debug. You may even share code or pull code from online resources as long as you cite your sources. All uncited code must still be written by you.

    For this assignment, you will create a website. Any website. It can be a personal resume-style website, a web application like the sticky notes app from recitation, a landing page for a brand of snack food you invented, a roast of your best friend, a scrapbook recording your favorite vacations, a page promoting your favorite charity, or anything else you can dream up. For full credit, your website must follow the following guidelines:

    1. It is clear from your starting page what the website is meant to be, and the website makes a clear attempt to be something. You will not receive credit for randomly throwing together the following requirements.
    2. It uses six unique HTML tag types inside the body. Between headers, horizontal rules, lists, images, tables, divs, and spans, etc this should be easy.
    3. It uses at least three Bootstrap components (buttons, jumbtrons, alerts, cards, navbars, etc)
    4. It applies custom CSS styling to at least two different selector types in the head tag or your own imported CSS file
    5. It makes use of Bootstrap's grid layout somewhere
    6. It connects at least one element's event handler to a JavaScript function
    7. It uses JQuery to modify the page in at least one place
    8. It has at least two pages and links between the pages
    9. It has a reasonably clean user interface

    Remember that you can run python3 -m http.server 3000 from your hw15 directory, and then access your site at http://localhost:3000.

    Once you're satisfied withy our website, you'll upload it to your AFS www directory, and publish it to using the following instructions:

    1. Download FileZilla from here
    2. In the top bar, type in "" as "Host", your Andrew ID as your username, your CMU password as your Password, 22 as the port, and click "Quickconnect"
    3. Find your "www" directory in the "remote site" directory tree that appears, and drag your files from hw15 to your "www" directory
    4. Navigate here, enter your Andrew ID, and click "Publish" to publish your website
    5. Verify that your website is up at
    6. Share! Your just deployed a website! And don't forget to submit your zip to Autolab