Collab2 (Fri 26-Jan)

Collaborative, in-person, in recitation.

  1. The same basic rules as collab1 apply here.
  2. Be sure to read this entire write-up before starting!
  3. Do not use string methods or functions, lists, or any topics not covered in Week2 or Hw2.

Your main task today is to write the function treblecross() so that your app closely (if perhaps not perfectly) matches the app in this video:

Also, once you fairly closely match the video, you may go further (time permitting), adding more features or more well-chosen complexity. However, if you have some time, you should first do the "Time Permitting" exercise described below.
Starter Code:
Here is some suggested starter code for you.

# Be sure to first read the writeup and carefully watch the video!

import random

This represents a 1xn board as an integer,
where 1 is occupied and 0 is empty.

Actually, we do this right-to-left rather than left-to-right,
so this board:
    x x - - x
is represented by this integer:

def treblecross():
    # play an 1xn game of Treblecross (1d tic-tac-toe)
    n = getBoardSize()

    # initialize the board
    board = 0 # think of this as an n-digit number of all 0's to start

    # play the game
    player = 1
    while True:
        # Draw the board:
        drawBoard(board, n)
        # Check if the game is over:
        if isGameOver(board, n):
            print(f'Game over! Player {player} wins!')
        # Get the the move:
        move = getMove(player, board, n)
        if move == 'c':
            move = getComputerMove(board, n)
        # Make the move:
        board = makeMove(player, board, move)
        # Switch current player:
        player = getOtherPlayer(player)

def printIntroMessage():
    # Print a short introduction, a couple of lines that
    # say what the app is (Treblecross) and very briefly
    # describe how to play the game:
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def getBoardSize():
    # Use input() to get and return n, the size of the 1xn board, 
    # where 3 <= n <= 9.  It is ok to crash if the user enters
    # a non-integer, but for integers out of range, just adjust
    # them to be in range.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def drawBoard(board, n):
    # Draw the board.  Remember to use end='' in your print
    # statements if it helps (which we found it did!).
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def isGameOver(board, n):
    # Return True if the 1xn board contains three consecutive non-empty
    # cells (1's), and False otherwise.
    # You might find getKthDigit() to be handy here.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def getMove(player, board, n):
    # Using input(), get the next move from the player.  Do this in a loop,
    # and keep asking until you get a legal value.
    # If the user enters 'c', return that, as the user is asking
    # for a computer-generated move.
    # Otherwise, return the integer of the legal move so long
    # as the board is empty at that cell.
    # Otherwise, print an appropriate message and keep looping.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def getComputerMove(board, n):
    # Get the computer-generated move for this 1xn board.
    # For now, we'll just move randomly.  We could of course do
    # much better (interesting food for thought).
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def makeMove(player, board, move):
    # Return the new board (an integer) resulting from making the
    # given legal move (an integer) on the given board.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def getOtherPlayer(player):
    # If player is 1, return 2.
    # If player is 2, return 1.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def getKthDigit(n, k):
    # This is from the guided exercises.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code

def setKthDigit(n, k, d):
    # This is from the guided exercises.
    return 42 # Replace this with your code


Design Requirements:
You must follow these design requirements:
  1. Store the board in a variable named board of type integer.
  2. If the game board has n cells in it, then the variable board should be an integer with n digits in it.
  3. The digits in board will all be 0 or 1, where 0 means the cell is empty, and a 1 means the cell has an 'x' in it.
  4. To start, set board = 0, since that will represent an entirely empty board regardless of the value of n.

Important Hints:
  1. Again, do not use string methods or functions, lists, or any topics not covered in or before Week 2 / Hw2. Yes, this would be easier and more natural to code with strings and lists. But we are learning just how powerful integers alone can be. Amazing!
  2. Store the board as a single integer. It will be a bit easier if you do this right-to-left rather than left-to-right, so this board:
    x x - - x
    is represented by this integer:
    This way, the the kth digit from the right of the integer corresponds to the kth cell from the left on the board.
    • Use getKthDigit(board, k) to see if the kth cell is empty or not -- that is, if the kth digit in board is 0 or 1.
    • Use setKthDigit(board, k) to set the kth cell of the board to occupied (that is, to 1).
  3. For the computer-generated move, it's ok at first to just make a random legal move. For that, you might want to use random.randrange to start at a random cell. Keep searching from that random cell (perhaps using % to wrap around the end of the board) until you find an empty cell and move there.
  4. Once you are done, and have completed the "Time Permitting" code tracing task below, then you may want to think about better and more interesting ways to generate computer moves. Fun!
  5. To print the board, it is helpful to print each cell in a loop, but stay on the same line using end='', like so:
    print('This all ', end='')
    print('prints on ', end='')
    print('one line!', end='')
    print() # this just prints a newline
  6. We also found it helpful to print using f-strings, like so:
    x = 42
    print(f'x = {x}') # prints: x = 42
  7. As usual, get the game working without worrying too much about the output formatting. Only then get the formatting right.
  8. Also, the output strings in the video work well in a console outside of CS Academy, but are a bit long inside the console. Feel free to shorten them or split them across multiple lines. For example, instead of this prompt:
    Enter the board size (an integer between 3 and 9) --> 
    You might use something more like this prompt:
    Enter board size (3-9) --> 

Time permitting:
If you finish the creative coding task above, you and your partner(s) should work together on Additional Code Tracing Exercises from 2.2.10.