Hw10 Reading and Checkpoints deadline |
Mon 25-Mar at 8pm |
Hw10 Main deadline |
Sat 30-Mar at 8pm |
Hw10 Late deadline (see syllabus for details) |
Mon 1-Apr at 8pm |
- The same basic rules as hw1 apply here.
- Be sure to read this entire write-up before starting!
- Do not use any topics not covered in or before Week10 / Unit 7.
Part 1: Solo Reading and Checkpoints
This part only concerns reading and checkpoints, and not
code tracing or exercises (those are assigned below).
Read all the notes and carefully complete all
checkpoints up to and including section 7.5. A substantial number of these
checkpoints require writing code, so start early!
Part 2: Collaborative CS Academy Exercises
This part is collaborative, as explained in the syllabus. Collaboration is not required but is encouraged.
Be sure to properly cite your collaborators!
Complete (with green checks) the following:
- 7.4 More Recursion Practice
- oddCount (1)
- oddSum (1)
- oddValues (1)
- oddMax (1)
- interleave (1)
- 7.8 Guided Exercises
- 7.9 Section Exercises
- hasRepeatedDigit (1)
- hasSublistSum (2)
- 7.10.3 Honors Exercises
Part 3: Solo CS Academy Exercises
This part is entirely solo. It is not collaborative.
See the syllabus for details.
Complete (with green checks) the following:
- 7.9 Section Exercises
- selfMappingKeys (1)
- isAlmostPalindrome (2)
- missingOddDigits (3)
Part 4: Quiz practice (NEW!)
Note: This replaces the points for the Friday collab for this hw. There is no Friday collab, but
this task is required, and worth 10% of HW10. This task is
due on Tuesday 4/2 in your lecture section.
- First, print out Quiz9 from Fall 2023.
- Take this quiz (on paper) in a quiet location, simulating actual quiz conditions (i.e. set a timer, do not use any additional resources like computers or notes, and do not ask anyone for help.) If you are not done writing your answers by 25 minutes, you may continue writing (if you wish), but make a note of how far you got in 25 minutes, and how long it took you to finish writing your answers. Do not spend more than 35 minutes though, and do not agonize over correctness.
- "Grade" your quiz by running the CTs and checking the answers against your own, and typing up and running your FR code to find your mistakes. (You do not need to actually give yourself a score or a letter grade; but highlight your mistakes.)
- Use a different-colored pen or pencil to mark any errors, along with any comments for new things you realized when checking your answers.
- Take a photo or scan your quiz so that you have a record of it.
- In your lecture section on Tuesday 4/2, we will collect the paper quiz so that we can give you homework credit. (No electronic copies will be accepted; you must take and grade this on paper, unless you have specific disability accommodations to type your answers.) We will not grade based on correctness; we'll simply be giving you credit based on whether you made a genuine attempt to practice with this quiz, and to review and correct your mistakes. This is not meant to be a stressful task and should take no more than an hour total, and hopefully you will find that this is a useful way to prepare for future quizzes and exams.
Part 5: Solo Writing Session
The writing session for this hw will occur in lecture on the Tuesday after the hw deadline.
Part 6: Solo Bonus (Optional)
You may optionally complete these exercises (working solo!)
for some modest bonus points (each worth 1% of this assignment):
- 7.9 Section Exercises
- addMatrices (3 stars in CS Academy, worth 2 bonus pts)
- 7.10.3 Unit 7 Honors Exercises
- isKingsTour (4 in CS Academy, worth 3 bonus pts)