

Project2 pre-deadline (see below) Wed 17-Apr at 8pm ET
Project2 deadline Fri 26-Apr at 8pm ET
There is no late deadline. We will not review or grade anything not submitted by the deadlines above. n/a
  1. Be sure to read this entire write-up before starting!
  2. We may add or clarify some details here, in which case we will announce them via Ed.
  3. The project2 deadline is on Friday rather than Saturday. Specifically, it is on Friday 26-Apr at 8pm. This deadline is to leave you more time to study for your finals, and to give our TAs enough time to rapidly grade your projects so you have your project2 grade in time to help you decide whether or not to take the final exam. You still have a full week, at a minimum, to complete project2.
  4. This project is entirely solo. All other work must be done by you and you alone.
    • Except where explicitly noted below, the only websites you may refer to are CS Academy and Ed.
      • The one exception is that you are free to look at apps and videos of apps to help give you some ideas about what you may wish to create. Even here, you must not look at any code for those apps.
    • The only people you may work with are current 112 faculty and staff.
    • In particular, you may not use any AI tools in any way.
    • You also may not look at or discuss any code that is not your own (except for code on CS Academy). The internet is full of code for apps similar to those assigned here, and others you may choose to create. Do not search for or look at that code, or any tutorials, articles, videos, questions, answers, posts outside of Ed, etc. It won't help anyhow, but in any case, it is not allowed.
    • Any violation of this is an Academic Integrity Violation.
  5. Except where explicitly noted below, all your code editing for this project must be done exclusively in CS Academy, in the specific location listed below.

Project2 has 3 options with different rules. You must choose from one of these 3 options by the project2 pre-deadline (Wed 17-Apr at 8pm ET). Everyone must fill out the pre-deadline form (which is now available), but if for some reason you do not fill out the form, then you are automatically assigned to Option 1. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your form response has been properly received on time. If you have not received a confirmation email from Google soon after filling out a form, we do not have your response.