CMU 15-112 Summer 2018: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Homework 11 (Due Wed 25-Jun, at 5pm)

  1. recursive alternatingSum(lst) [30 pts] [autograded]
    Write the function alternatingSum(lst) that takes a possibly-empty list of numbers, lst, and returns the alternating sum of the list, where every other value is subtracted rather than added. For example: alternatingSum([1,2,3,4,5]) returns 1-2+3-4+5 (that is, 3). If lst is empty, return 0.

  2. recursive binarySearchValues(L, v) [30 pts] [autograded]
    Write the function binarySearchValues(L, v) that takes a sorted list L and a value v and returns a list of tuples, (index, value), of the values that binary search must check to verify whether or not v is in L. As an example, say:
       L = ['a', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'm', 'q']
       v = 'c'
    Binary search always searches between some start and end index (exclusive), which initially are 0 and (len(L)). So here, start=0 and end=6. The first index we try, then, is mid=3 (the integer average of start and end). The value there is 'g', so we will add (3, 'g') to our result.

    Since 'g' is not the value we are seeking, we continue, only now we are searching from start=0 to end=3, just like we did with Binary Search in class.

    Now we try mid=1 (the integer average of start and end), and so we add (1, 'c') to our result. We found 'c', so we're done. And so we see:
        L = ['a', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'm', 'q']
        v = 'c'
        assert(binarySearchValues(L, v) == [(3,'g'), (1,'c')])

    In the case where v is not in L, still return the list of tuples of indices and values searched. For example:
        L = ['a', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'm', 'q']
        v = 'b'
        assert(binarySearchValues(L, v) == [(3, 'g'), (1, 'c'), (0, 'a')])

    Hint: Do not slice the list L, but rather adjust the indexes into L.
    Hint Hint: It might help to write a helper function that can take in a start and end index in addition to L and v. This helper function will do all of the work. What should you return when start == end?

  3. recursive generateLetterString [40 pts] [autograded]
    Write the function generateLetterString(s) that takes a two-character string and returns a new string that contains the all of the letters between the first letter and the second letter. For example, generateLetterString("ko") would return "klmno". This should also work backwards, so generateLetterString("me") would return "mlkjihgfe". If the initial provided string is not two characters long you should return the empty string. If the string contains two identical characters (like "aa"), then return the letter ("a"). You may assume that you are given only lowercase letters.