Bonus Lecture 4
- TP3
- Due at 4:30 pm on Friday
- Go over submission
- Make video early!
- Friday Schedule
- Optional Lecture Friday: Last minute help + my capstone demo
- My OH are normal
- TA OH are normal
- TP3 due at 4:30 pm! (No late submissions)
- How to make your own programming language
- TP Showcase at 6 pm
- Grading
- Quiz42
- TP1 -> 30 pts
- TP2 -> 30 pts
- Lecture1 -> 10 pts
- Lecture2 -> 10 pts
- Lecture3 -> 10 pts
- Lecture4 -> 10 pts
- HW-Bonus will be due Friday night at midnight
- SolvesRectangula will be manually graded
- Optional Lectures
- Computational Biology
- Facebook!
- MousePressed and KeyPressed demos
- Letters of Recommendation
- Stay in contact!