Lecture 14
- Quiz Structure
- Dictionaries and Sets: CT or FR
- Big-O: Short Answer Section
- Basic Recursion: CT or FR
- Advanced Recursion: Backtracking FR
- Bonus HW
- OH Moved Today -> 2:30-3:30
- [5 min] Announcements
- [15 min] Recursive sorting
- Go over bubble sort since we had to skip
- mergesort
- [10 min] Fractals
- [10 min]File Problems
- listFiles
- hints for findLargestFile
- [10 min] Powerset (written) + Permuatations (shown in notes)
- [5 min] Memoization
- [5 min] Call with large stack
- [20 min] Practice for Quiz
- [2 min] Big-o tips
- What is the big-O of sorting a list that always has one element?
- [3 min] Backtracking tips
- Filling in a board versus constructing a path
- [10 min] Attendance Check + Practice ROC
- [5 min] Go over stuff