Lecture 15
- Quiz3 Follow-up
- Go over makeKingsTour briefly
- Plan for this week
- HW14 due tomorrow: first part is released, second part coming out shortly
- HW15 due Wednesday, expands on HW15
- Wednesday: Introducing Term Projects
- Thursday: Studying for final
- Friday: Final
- Saturday/Sunday: HackTP... poll?
- Homework-bonus
Lecture Plan
- [5 min] Announcements
- [5 min] Fib and memoization
- [30 min] Flower Example
- Object versus Class versus Instance
- Type, isinstance
- Constructor
- Equality
- Str (bad) and Repr (good)
- Hashing and Adding to Dicts + Sets
- Fraction Example
- Skipping the following topics:
- Class attributes
- Static methods
- Playing Cards Demo
- [20 min] Inheritance with Flower Example
- Super class
- Calling super
- Overriding methods
- Overriding attributes
- Default args
- isinstance vs. type
- [10 min] Example from old quiz
- [10 min] Attendance Check