Lecture 8
- Quiz2 is coming
- Structure
- Fluency
- Harder
- Graphics/Animation - either as a CT or a free response
- 2D list code tracing/roc
- 1D list code tracing/roc
- 2D list free response
- Using resources
- 18 (or more) people at my office hours yesterday!!!
- Feedback
- Lecture -> More engaging, interactive
- Homeworks -> Pacing
- HW8 is out
- HW9
- Line limit for graphics is 25 lines!
Lecture Plan
- [10 min] Announcements
- [15 min] Go over MVC and the new framework
- [15 min] Two player game with timerFired
- circles moving around the screen in random directions
- one player is a different circle
- another player is the mouse
- [5 min] Attendance Check
- [35 min] 2048
- what goes in MVC?
- what functions to write?
- drawGrid
- placeNewTwo
- keyPressed
- moveBoard
- makeMove
- makeMove helpers
- timerFired
- getColor