An ISBN-10 code consists of nine code digits followed by a check digit, which ranges from zero to ten (but ten is represented by 'X'). The nine code digits uniquely identify a book and its publisher. Here are some example ISBN-10 codes: "080442957X", "8535902775", and "9971502100".
The nine code digits identify a particular book, but the check digit is like a parity bit. It is computed as follows, based on the code digits:
The Hawaiian alphabet has 13 characters (5 vowels, 7 consonants and 1 apostrophe). If we used a fixed-width encoding for characters (i.e. every character is encoded using the same number of bits), we would need a 4-bit code for every character so we could get at least 13 unique codes for the 13 characters of the Hawaiian alphabet:
` 0000 A 0001 E 0010 H 0011 I 0100 K 0101 L 0110 M 0111 N 1000 O 1001 P 1010 U 1011 W 1100
Go to this list of Hawaiian words and expressions ( Find one word (not "ALOHA") that is shorter when encoded with the Huffman tree than with the 4-bit fixed-width code above, and one that will be longer if encoded with the Huffman tree. (Hint: consider the letter frequencies of the words.) Give the encodings using the Huffman tree and the 4-bit fixed-width codes above to justify your answers.
Suppose a sound compression algorithm takes a stream of samples, discards alternate samples (discards every other sample), and stores the result. To decompress and play the compressed data, an algorithm plays each sample in the compressed file twice. Is this compression/decompression technique a lossless or lossy compression technique? Explain.