Homework 10 - OPTIONAL

Due Monday 20-Nov, at 10:00pm

To start

  1. Create a folder named hw10
  2. Create a new file hw10.py in that folder
  3. Edit hw10.py and add the functions and some testcases as required
  4. When you have completed and fully tested hw10, submit hw10.py to Gradescope. For this hw, you may submit up to 15 times, but only your last submission counts.

Some important notes

  1. This homework is solo. You may not collaborate or discuss it with anyone outside of the course, and your options for discussing with other students currently taking the course are limited. See the academic honesty policy for more details.
  2. After you submit to Gradescope, make sure you check your score. If you aren’t sure how to do this, then ask a CA or Professor.
  3. There is no partial credit on Gradescope testcases for autograded problems. Your Gradescope score is your Gradescope score.
  4. Read the last bullet point again. Seriously, we won’t go back later and increase your Gradescope score for any reason. Even if you worked really hard and it was only a minor error…
  5. Do not hardcode the test cases in your solutions.
  6. We are not giving you any starter code this week. That means you need to create your file from scratch and include your own testcases. For writing testcases, follow the style of testcases uses in the previous homeworks.
  7. Remember the course’s academic integrity policy. Solving the homework yourself is your best preparation for exams and quizzes; cheating or short-cutting your learning process in order to improve your homework score will actually hurt your course grade long-term.

A Note About Style Grading

Unlike previous assignments, we won’t be grading style this time. However, by now you should know that Good style helps you code faster and with fewer bugs. It is totally worth it.

  1. Bird Class and Subclasses [50 pts]
    Write the Bird, Penguin, and MessengerBird classes so that they pass testBirdClasses and use the OOP constructs we learned in class as appropriate.

    def getLocalMethods(clss): import types # This is a helper function for the test function below. # It returns a sorted list of the names of the methods # defined in a class. It's okay if you don't fully understand it! result = [ ] for var in clss.__dict__: val = clss.__dict__[var] if (isinstance(val, types.FunctionType)): result.append(var) return sorted(result) def testBirdClasses(): print("Testing Bird classes...", end="") # A basic Bird has a species name, can fly, and can lay eggs bird1 = Bird("Parrot") assert(type(bird1) == Bird) assert(isinstance(bird1, Bird)) assert(bird1.fly() == "I can fly!") assert(bird1.countEggs() == 0) assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 0 eggs") bird1.layEgg() assert(bird1.countEggs() == 1) assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 1 egg") bird1.layEgg() assert(bird1.countEggs() == 2) assert(str(bird1) == "Parrot has 2 eggs") assert(getLocalMethods(Bird) == ['__init__', '__repr__', 'countEggs', 'fly', 'layEgg']) # A Penguin is a Bird that cannot fly, but can swim bird2 = Penguin("Emperor Penguin") assert(type(bird2) == Penguin) assert(isinstance(bird2, Penguin)) assert(isinstance(bird2, Bird)) assert(bird2.fly() == "No flying for me.") assert(bird2.swim() == "I can swim!") bird2.layEgg() assert(bird2.countEggs() == 1) assert(str(bird2) == "Emperor Penguin has 1 egg") assert(getLocalMethods(Penguin) == ['fly', 'swim']) # A MessengerBird is a Bird that can optionally carry a message bird3 = MessengerBird("War Pigeon", message="Top-Secret Message!") assert(type(bird3) == MessengerBird) assert(isinstance(bird3, MessengerBird)) assert(isinstance(bird3, Bird)) assert(not isinstance(bird3, Penguin)) assert(bird3.deliverMessage() == "Top-Secret Message!") assert(str(bird3) == "War Pigeon has 0 eggs") assert(bird3.fly() == "I can fly!") bird4 = MessengerBird("Homing Pigeon") assert(bird4.deliverMessage() == "") bird4.layEgg() assert(bird4.countEggs() == 1) assert(getLocalMethods(MessengerBird) == ['__init__', 'deliverMessage']) print("Done!")

  2. Marble, ConstantMarble, and DarkeningMarble classes [50 pts]
    Write the Marble, ConstantMarble, and DarkeningMarble classes so that the following test code passes (and without hardcoding any cases, so any similar code would also pass). Also, you must use OOP properly.

    def testMarbleClasses(): print("Testing Marble classes...", end="") # A Marble takes a string (not a list) of comma-separated color names m1 = Marble('Pink,Cyan') assert(m1.colorCount() == 2) # pink and cyan assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 1) # we have created 1 marble so far # When converted to a string, the Marble includes the color names, # each separated by a comma and a space, and all lower-case, and listed # in alphabetical order: assert(str(m1) == '<Marble with colors: cyan, pink>') m2 = Marble('Red,Orange,yellow,GREEN') assert(str(m2) == '<Marble with colors: green, orange, red, yellow>') assert(m2.colorCount() == 4) assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 2) # we have created 2 marbles so far # This also works in a list: assert(str([m1]) == '[<Marble with colors: cyan, pink>]') # Equality works as expected: m3 = Marble('red,blue') m4 = Marble('BLUE,RED') m5 = Marble('red,green,blue') assert((m3 == m4) and (m3 != m5) and (m3 != "Don't crash here!")) assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 5) # we have created 5 marbles so far # You can add colors, which only change the marble if they are not present: assert(m3.addColor('Red') == False) # False means the color was not added, # because it was already there # and no changes here: assert(m3.colorCount() == 2) assert(str(m3) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>') assert((m3 == m4) and (m3 != m5)) # Once more, but with a new color: assert(m3.addColor('green') == True) # True means the color was added! # and so these all change: assert(m3.colorCount() == 3) assert(str(m3) == '<Marble with colors: blue, green, red>') assert((m3 != m4) and (m3 == m5)) # A ConstantMarble is a marble that never changes its color: m6 = ConstantMarble('red,blue') assert(isinstance(m6, Marble)) assert(str(m6) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>') assert(m6.addColor('green') == False) # constant marbles never change! assert(str(m6) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>') assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 6) # we have created 6 marbles so far assert(getLocalMethods(ConstantMarble) == ['addColor']) # A DarkeningMarble is a marble that prefixes 'dark' to any colors # that are added after it is first created. # Note: for full credit, you must use super() properly here! m7 = DarkeningMarble('red,blue') assert(isinstance(m7, Marble)) assert(str(m7) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>') # not darkened assert(m7.addColor('green') == True) # but green will become darkgreen assert(str(m7) == '<Marble with colors: blue, darkgreen, red>') assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 7) # we have created 7 marbles so far assert(getLocalMethods(DarkeningMarble) == ['addColor']) print("Passed!")