Marble, ConstantMarble, and DarkeningMarble classes [100 pts]
Write the Marble
, ConstantMarble
, and DarkeningMarble
classes so that the following test code passes (and without hardcoding any cases, so any similar code would also pass). Also, you must use OOP properly (we may check this manually, after the autograder gives you a preliminary score).
def testMarbleClasses():
print("Testing Marble classes...", end="")
# A Marble takes a string (not a list) of comma-separated color names
m1 = Marble('Pink,Cyan')
assert(m1.colorCount() == 2) # pink and cyan
assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 1) # we have created 1 marble so far
# When converted to a string, the Marble includes the color names,
# each separated by a comma and a space, and all lower-case, and listed
# in alphabetical order:
assert(str(m1) == '<Marble with colors: cyan, pink>')
m2 = Marble('Red,Orange,yellow,GREEN')
assert(str(m2) == '<Marble with colors: green, orange, red, yellow>')
assert(m2.colorCount() == 4)
assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 2) # we have created 2 marbles so far
# This also works in a list:
assert(str([m1]) == '[<Marble with colors: cyan, pink>]')
# Equality works as expected:
m3 = Marble('red,blue')
m4 = Marble('BLUE,RED')
m5 = Marble('red,green,blue')
assert((m3 == m4) and (m3 != m5) and (m3 != "Don't crash here!"))
assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 5) # we have created 5 marbles so far
# You can add colors, which only change the marble if they are not present:
assert(m3.addColor('Red') == False) # False means the color was not added,
# because it was already there
# and no changes here:
assert(m3.colorCount() == 2)
assert(str(m3) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>')
assert((m3 == m4) and (m3 != m5))
# Once more, but with a new color:
assert(m3.addColor('green') == True) # True means the color was added!
# and so these all change:
assert(m3.colorCount() == 3)
assert(str(m3) == '<Marble with colors: blue, green, red>')
assert((m3 != m4) and (m3 == m5))
# A ConstantMarble is a marble that never changes its color:
m6 = ConstantMarble('red,blue')
assert(isinstance(m6, Marble))
assert(str(m6) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>')
assert(m6.addColor('green') == False) # constant marbles never change!
assert(str(m6) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>')
assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 6) # we have created 6 marbles so far
assert(getLocalMethods(ConstantMarble) == ['addColor'])
# A DarkeningMarble is a marble that prefixes 'dark' to any colors
# that are added after it is first created.
# Note: for full credit, you must use super() properly here!
m7 = DarkeningMarble('red,blue')
assert(isinstance(m7, Marble))
assert(str(m7) == '<Marble with colors: blue, red>') # not darkened
assert(m7.addColor('green') == True) # but green will become darkgreen
assert(str(m7) == '<Marble with colors: blue, darkgreen, red>')
assert(Marble.getMarbleCount() == 7) # we have created 7 marbles so far
assert(getLocalMethods(DarkeningMarble) == ['addColor'])